Sunday, May 19, 2013

Two Masters

This quote:  "You cannot serve both God and mammon" is so true.  To serve God fully, one has to be willing to give up one's life and life's comforts.  There are not too many people who do that, not priests, not preachers, not anyone in my life but they exist.  I would love to befriend such a person because spending time with this person would be like spending time in heaven except that any person who serve God fully would not have time for me.

Unwilling to part with life and life's comforts one can only enjoy being with God part-time.  The other and much bigger part of one's day has to be spent on the demands of daily life in a financially driven society that is far more adversarial than communal, competitive than cooperative and deceitful than truthful. [1]  Putting it bluntly, this world is a Satanic world, far, far away from Heaven.

There is no true joy or true peace in this Satanic world.  Only God has them and only deep in prayer [2] can one find God's joy and peace.  It is important to take a few moments (15 minutes at least) a day to spend with God in prayer, in addition to saying the rosary.  During this time, make that a very quiet time, allow God's peace to enter the soul and the mind and the body, and then allow the human trinity to feel very gradually the Holy Trinity's gift of complete fulfillment.  That moment may not always arrive but when such a moment arrives, realize the richness of that sensation has nothing to do with Satan's worthless mammon that buys artificial and ephemeral happiness but has everything to do with God's infinite, genuine, priceless and addictive joy that cannot be bought. [3]

[1] Capitalism need not be based on competition and deceit as people are taught to believe.  I postulate that capitalism works far better and is far more rewarding if it is based on cooperation and mutual benefit.  Unfortunately, that is only theory and will remain a theory because of human greed and selfishness both of which stem from Satan.

[2] Being deep in prayer does not mean reciting a litany of mundane earthly wishes but rather asking God to re-direct one's path back to God should one stray and praying for the ability to do everything and relate to everyone with the love of God in heart and in mind.

[3] None of God's gifts can be bought.  One has to live in God's truth with humility and with love to have them.

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