Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Healing Water of Lourdes

Beyond the miraculous cures certified by the Vatican there are many, many more untold cures that maybe not be instantaneous and these cures are not only available from the source but also from the water that are brought from the Grotto in Lourdes, France.  Cures are given to the genuine and faithful who love God.  To be cured, sometimes one goes and asks; other times, one is "asked" to go.  Being "asked" to go comes in many forms and under many different circumstances.  When you go, whether you have planned to go or have been "asked" to go, go with love, not so much with love of life, but love of God and the Mother of God, Mary.  That love must be pure, untainted with any sort of pecuniary interest, not even the slightest hint of it.  Let your intentions be as pure as the water Bernadette Soubirous dug up under the direction of the Lady Who spoke these words when Bernadette asked Who She was, "I am the Immaculate Conception  (in French of course)."

Note:  I have never been to Lourdes although I have wanted to go and still plan to go some day but on Friday, May 3, 2013, I had been "asked" to go to a virtual visit to Lourdes at a local church.  After attending the slide show, I touched a piece of the Lourdes rock while standing around a statue of Mary in the parking lot "grotto."  After a short pilgrimage from the parking lot to the church, I dipped my fingers in a bowl of Lourdes' healing waters after saying some prayers in the pews next to a new friend I met, Sister Ann, along with a number of other pilgrims. I want to remember always the moment my fingers touched the water.  All I will say is that it was not ordinary water. 

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