Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Sun Of God - A Prayer - May 4, 2013

The Sun Of God [1]

May Your rays of purity heal the trinity of mind, body and spirit,
May Your brightness shine upon and reveal the Absolute Truth,
May Your blinding whiteness give clarity to Divine Justice,
May Your boundless energy give strength to deliver Divine Compassion and Forgiveness,
May Your rays of beauty fill all the dark crevices with the Holy Trinity that is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

[1] I saw the Sun's rays again today, Tuesday, May 7, 2013, in the same place that I saw the Sun's rays last Saturday and I want to make this prayer a bit more personal [2]:

The Sun Of God - My Personal Version

May Your rays of purity heal my trinity of  mind, body and spirit,
May Your brightness shine upon and reveal to me the Absolute Truth,
May Your blinding whiteness give clarity -- for me to recognize Divine Justice,
May Your boundless energy give strength to deliver continuously to this habitual sinner Divine Compassion and Forgiveness,
May Your rays of beauty and warmth fill all the dark, cold crevices in my soul  with the Holy Trinity that is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Share it with me. 

[2] It does not seem remarkable that the sun's rays on May 4 would be any different from those the day before, the day after or on May 7.  The sun would shine through a window at a certain place at a certain time of day and at a particular time of year.  That would be normal.  If he sun kept shining through the window, it would have been boring and I would not have been inspired to compose the prayer.  But on May 4, late in the afternoon, it was cloudy but the sun's rays peaked through the thick grey clouds after I sat in the leg extension machine (I was at the gym), lit up brightly where I was as if it were a spotlight while the rest of the room remained unchanged as I look around the whole room and the area behind me reflected by the mirror in front.  Then it went back behind the clouds and then peaked from behind them again and again.  It was so fun to experience the Rembrandt-style lighting.  I did not mention this on May 4 because I did not think it was that unusual but when the same thing happened, with much less intensity, much less frequency and far less dramatic effect on May 7, I was re-inspired all over again and wanted to personalize the prayer. In the end, it was the outcome of the inspiration that mattered, not how I was inspired but was nonetheless compelled to memorialize the events. (Note [2]'s date: May 13, 2103.)

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