Monday, May 6, 2013

The Grand Deceiver

There is no mystery who the grand deceiver is: it is Satan.  It occupies all positions of influence, great and small, even as the cast of characters changes over time Satan finds a way to stay put.  From the mouth of the grand deceiver, what could be said to convince someone it is not Satan?  "I'm not Satan?"  That would cast an immediate doubt if it really is or not.  What about issuing a warning against Satan?  That can be tricky.  The first thought would be:  "Who would be stupid enough to betray himself?" But the next would be:  "Would the grand deceiver be cunning enough to betray itself so that the deceit could be complete?"  I think so.  Be on guard even though what you hear from a revered office may sound good.  Just watch what it does.  Remember the anti-Christ will sound awfully like Christ and will try to assume the identity of Christ.  Satan is smart, powerful and patient.  Do not be deceived.   Pay careful attention to any sign of hypocrisy or inconsistency.  It will draw you in but in the face of Truth, it cannot hide.  It must show its disgusting identity.

I talk a lot about Satan but I am not Satan or its minion although I have been recruited in various ways.  It is my hope that I will never fall prey to its many cunning disguises.  Its powers are a lot stronger than you think.  Without Divine Intervention, Satan will win.  The only way to defeat Satan is to pray for Divine Intervention.  If someone speaks of Satan and does not ask you to pray for help, it is Satan's mouthpiece.

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