Saturday, May 25, 2013

Serving God With His Extreme Intellect - Reluctantly

The one most capable who was able to see clearly the cancer of Satan festering in his soul and then to rid this disease by his confessions and thereby sanctifying his entire being was Augustine of Hippo, later known as Saint Augustine. Even as Augustine was successful in cleansing his soul of the cancer of Sin and having a clear view of God, in truth he wrote: "in an instant of awe, my mind attained to the sight of God who IS.  Then, at last, I caught sight of your invisible nature....But I had no strength to fix my gaze upon them.  In my weakness I recoiled and fell back into my old ways, carrying with me nothing but the memory of something that I loved and longed for, as though I had sensed the fragrance of the fare but was not yet able to eat it." Emphasis original.  [1]

[1] Saint Augustine, Confessions, translated by R.S. Pine-Coffin.  Pages 151-2.  England: Clays, Ltd, St Ives, plc, 1961.

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