Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Of The Many Religious Fakes - This One Is Real

He is not in the Vatican.  Not a Cardinal.  Not a priest.  Not Catholic.  He has not even a basic degree in theology.  But he speaks the truth about God.  I trust that he is God's pick and like so many of God's picks, Joel Osteen was the unlikely candidate. [1]

I have wanted to write about Joel Osteen for quite some time but it was the sermon entitled "Make God A Part Of Your Everyday Life" dated Sunday, May 5, 2013, that has compelled me to stop procrastinating.  He said, "Did you know that God wants to help you not just in the big things, but even in the small things? But here’s the key: God will only be involved in your life as much as you will allow Him."  There does not seem to be a link that goes directly to the video but here is the link to his website:  Joel Osteen Ministries

Bottom line (my words, not Joel Osteen's): Go with God wherever you go.  Ask God to accompany you in doing the tough things as well as the fun things. Plan them with God.  Have faith.  And relax.  Be humble when there is a good outcome if you had asked God for help and give thanks to God.  If you succeeded on your own based on a sinful act, such as dishonesty, give thanks to Satan.  Knowing Who to thank is not easy.  It is a fine and difficult to distinguish line for there is a little thing called denial, denial of the Truth.  Act, one must. Choose freely, but choose with care.  At stake is an eternity.  It can be Heaven or it can be Hell. 

[1] How Joel Osteen began his ministry is online.

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