Thursday, May 30, 2013

How To Deal With The Nasty And Cunning Ones

Christ turned the other cheek, suffered for them on the cross and asked God to forgive them while dying in pain because of them, but no human today can be expected to accomplish anything this selfless.  To deal with them, you need not be nasty and cunning in return.  If you become nasty and cunning yourself, you would be ugly just like them and you do not want to be ugly.

Who wants to turn into an ugly monster and see that image in the mirror?  You want to be beautiful inside and out.  I believe that if you are beautiful inside, like Christ, the you will be beautiful in the image of Christ on the outside as well.  The more you are like Christ, the more beautiful your personal trinity, your mind, your body and your soul will become.

What about the nasty and cunning ones? You know and can see that they are already ugly.  The nastier and more cunning they become the uglier and uglier they will turn, inside and out.  The secret is that they do not have to be nastier or more cunning to appear uglier and uglier in front of you.  Their minds, bodies and souls will naturally be uglier and uglier relative to your mind, body and soul when you become kinder and kinder, more and more compassionate and forgiving, more and more loving and beautiful as you become more and more like Christ.  Their punishment is painfully, and sadly, apparent to them for they also see how more and more beautiful you have become and your ever increasing beauty has unwittingly become a mirror for them reflecting their ever increasing ugliness, heightening their envy and deepening their bitterness.

All you can do is pray for them, that they too would follow Christ and become loving and beautiful like Christ, and not turn their anger into vengeance against Christ and His faithful ones and become captives of Satan.

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