Saturday, August 13, 2011

Stop Whining Mr. President

I used to think it was grossly unfair for the right-wing republicans to blame President Obama for the debt crisis and all the ills in the economy, and when he defended himself by reminding his critics that he had inherited the entire economic disaster from GW Bush, I would agree completely.

Not anymore.

With all due respect, Mr. President, you knew in 2007 that GW Bush's economic bomb had exploded yet you continued to run for the presidency, confident that you can bring change to Washington and hope to a world ruined by GW Bush. On the day you were sworn in, you inherited all of GW Bush's ruins that became a growing cancer that you had to excise. Instead of cleaning up GW Bush's failures, you together with your democratic Congress added to them by listening to the same voices that spoke to GW Bush and spending money that the United States did not have. Today, you own all of his failures and those of yours. Therefore, please show your courage and as a leader accept the responsibilities that you ran to undertake and admit your failures.

Your only defense is time, that it takes time for the economy to recover, except that time is not on your side. The next election is about 15 months away. I have been harsh in my criticism, but I have been also been fair. Perhaps history will be kinder and I believe it will.

If there is any hope left for a second term, and if my vote for you can still have meaning for me, then you have to take that bold gamble as commander-in-chief and disengage from involvement in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, not years from now but now, and don't even think of meddling in Syria or the Mid-east. If worse come to worst, drop a tiny nuclear bomb. It's fast, it's easy and it's a game changer. Of course, people will be upset but people are upset now, so what difference does it make?

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