Monday, August 8, 2011

Finger-pointing Out of Control in Washington

I turned on the TV and almost everyone in Washington is pointing a finger at someone else as a result of the DOW dropping 634.67 points or 5.55 percent. No one has stood up to accept any blame even when the very people in charge, including the last administration and its Congress, have been part of the problem. Worse yet, no one has come up with a solution. More disgusting are the comments by those presidential candidates who have nothing to say but state the obvious. They have politicized a disaster rather than uniting behind it, trying to get the country and the world out of this economic mess.

I do not find any candidate running for president having the requisite knowledge or intellect to deal with the economic realities, nor do I find President Obama having any idea in solving the problem other than politicizing it like the others. At a time when the President has to show knowledge, intellect and leadership, President Obama has disappointed.

It is a national disgrace for the United States to fall from being the best to being no better than the rest. As the finger-pointing in Washington continues, the country's debt is continuing it upward climb.

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