Thursday, August 25, 2011


Nobody seemed to want a 16GB HP TouchPad for $399 but when HP decided to discontinue the product this past weekend after about 50 days on the market and marked it down $300, they were sold out around the world "within minutes" in the stores and online. How many minutes? No one is exactly sure.

Some people who were fast enough to grab one on sale but did not like the Palm OS that HP paid $1.2 billion for in April 2010 had replaced it with Google's Android. Now the world has TouchDroid but nowhere is a $99 HP TouchPad to be found. I could almost hear voices in HP's Palo Alto boardroom wondering what to do next.

Presumably, HP still has quite a few in inventory but is not releasing them. "Out of stock" is being indicated on the HP website for its Touchpads. I suppose nobody is truly prepared to write an official obituary on them just yet and believe that a phoenix is in the making. Will it fly off the shelf? At $99, I think so.

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