Friday, August 5, 2011

The Art of Finger-pointing

It all began in Washington. The TEA party republicans pointed fingers at President Obama and the Democrats for overspending. President Obama and the Democrats pointed fingers at GW Bush for his mismanagement of Wall Street, wars and basically everything else, costing the US trillions of dollars that is now debt. The result was the hostage-taking of the US dollar by the politicians of both parties resulting in the cutting of spending with no new taxes and the purchase of a political gain by Obama to raise the debt ceiling beyond the 2012 presidential election. The bickering lasted months until it was down to the wire.

The Senate passed a compromise bill.

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said the United States was living beyond its means as a parasite feeding on the global economy. The House passed the Senate bill.

Tuesday. Deadline for the United States to avoid a default on its debt. The President signed the compromise bill. The debt ceiling was raised and default by the United States was averted.

Wednesday. The Dow dropped over 200 points.

Thursday. The Dow dropped another 513 points, erasing all of 2011's gains. Barack Obama's 50th Birthday.

Friday. After Asian markets declined following the steep drop on the NYSE, the European markets plunged: London's FTSE 100 down 3.5%, Germany's DAX 3.8% and France's CAC-40 2.5 percent. The US market has yet to open. [August 5, 2011 - DOW closed up 61 points after being down almost 240 around noon EST.]

And so the finger-pointing continues. The Democrats blaming the TEA party, the Republicans blaming the President, Russia blaming the United States, the United States blaming the Eurozone (Portugal,Ireland, Greece, Spain and now Italy) and China, except no one is blaming themselves for their own selfish actions.

Since everyone gets to point a finger, let me point mine as well. First at GW Bush for he was the "decider" when Wall Street failed, when he spent trillions on two wars, one that was unnecessary (Iraq) and one he executed poorly and lost (Afghanistan), second at the majority on the US Supreme Court in 2000 who put GW Bush in office and finally at myself, for voting for him in 2004 because I thought that the Democratic challenger, Senator Kerry was far more arrogant than GW Bush. I should have abstained from voting, not that my vote would have made a difference.

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