Sunday, March 31, 2019

Satan's Favorite Way In Dealing With Christ

Satan failed in its temptations of Christ in the desert [1] but that did not stop Satan and Satan's minions from mocking Christ.

The two most important commandments are based on love. [2]  A kiss is generally understood to be a gesture of love, but when Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, he mocked the love of Christ and betrayed Christ with a kiss.  Even Christ, perhaps a little surprised by Judas' chosen method asked, "'Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?'" [3]

Satanists mock Christ with their black masses [4] and by desecrating the Holy Eucharist.

Francis of Assisi was the first person to receive the stigmata.  Since then, many had claimed to have it as well.  Some, even those who had become saints, could very well had had it but probability necessitates one to question the truth of such a claim.  After all, even one of the twelve disciples was a Satan surrogate that mocked Christ.  Therefore, it is possible that a stigmatic saint could also have mocked the one chosen by Christ to receive the stigmata who became Saint Francis of Assisi, who was never accused by anyone of fraud.  Pio on the other hand, had been accused of "using carbolic acid to create and sustain his wounds." [5]

"Pio experienced excruciating pain and his screams brought the friars running to his side. They found him unconscious and bleeding profusely. He had received the Stigmata." [6]  Nobody recorded that Francis of Assisi screamed to let his brothers know of his stigmata.  Pio's "screams" not only sounds dramatic but also appears to be well-timed and well-staged.  Of course, it could not have happened while he was up in a mountain alone with Christ because nobody would know where he was and hear him scream.

In the case of Saint Francis of Assisi [7]:

"…the marks of nails began to appear in his hands and feet, just as he had seen them slightly earlier in the crucified man above him. His wrists and feet seemed to be pierced by nails, with the heads of the nails appearing on his wrists and on the upper sides of his feet, the points appearing on the other side. The marks were round on the palm of each hand but elongated on the other side, and small pieces of flesh jutting out from the rest took on the appearance of the nail-ends, bent and driven back. In the same way the marks of nails were impressed on his feet and projected beyond the rest of the flesh. Moreover, his right side had a large wound as if it had been pierced with a spear, and it often bled so that his tunic and trousers were soaked with his sacred blood."
[Saint] Bonaventure wrote, “Because of this new and astounding miracle unheard of in times past, Francis came down from the mountain a new man adorned with the sacred stigmata, bearing in his body the image of the Crucified not made by a craftsman in wood or stone, [or by self-mutilation using carbolic acid,] but fashioned in his members by the hand of the living God.”
There were Dominicans who claimed that Blessed Walter of Strasbourg was also granted the same privilege. And there were some – and many since [probably envious Dominicans included] – who have doubted the historicity of the account, claiming fraud or later embellishment by the Franciscans themselves. One argument is that Francis himself never mentions the event or the stigmata.

Why would Francis of Assisi talk or brag about his stigmata?  He was a humble servant of God.  His stigmata was between him and God, not for the world to know.

This stands in sharp contrast to Pio's claim of his stigmata.  If Twitter were in existence then, there would probably be a "#metoo" movement for stigmatics.  Pio could very well be one of the first to tweet about his "scream" and his stigmata.  Pio was reportedly able to bilocate as well.  And he had the odor of "sanctity."  "The odor was especially strong from the blood coming from his wounds. Investigation showed that he used absolutely no fragrances or anything that could produce these odors." [8]  Perhaps they emanated from Hell.

Not even Christ was able to be present at two places simultaneously during His ministry.  If He were able to bilocate, He could have gone to more places and performed more miracles, and would not have to raise Lazarus from the dead.  He would have cured him before he died. [9]

When Christ was on the road with His disciples to Emmaus, His disciples did not smell any odor. [10]

The mockery of Saint Francis of Assisi did not end with Pio.  Bergoglio continued it when he named himself Francis I after the saint.  There is nothing about Bergoglio that reminds this blogger of Francis of Assisi's humility and holiness.

Satan always wants to be better than Christ, to have Christ kneel before it, and to be more popular than Christ.  The Antichrist is one who will mock Christ demonstratively by performing miracles, who will make false promises, similar to what the Serpent said to Eve, "'You will not certainly die.'" [11]  This half-truth could very well lead souls to perdition.  Satan would win if one hears this and thinks that one will have eternal life in Heaven no matter what, when in actuality Satan is stating the fact that one's soul never dies even when it is suffering in Hell.


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