Monday, April 1, 2019

Bergoglio Twisted The Facts In Morocco

Part of Bergoglio's address in Morocco is quoted below [1]:

This visit is for me an occasion of joy and gratitude, for it allows me to see at first hand the richness of your land, your people and your traditions. I am also grateful that my visit offers a significant opportunity for advancing interreligious dialogue and mutual understanding among the followers of our two religions, as we commemorate – at a distance of eight centuries – the historic meeting between Saint Francis of Assisi and Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil. That prophetic event shows that the courage to encounter one another and extend a hand of friendship is a pathway of peace and harmony for humanity, whereas extremism and hatred cause division and destruction. It is my hope that our mutual esteem, respect and cooperation will help strengthen the bonds of sincere friendship, and enable our communities to prepare a better future for coming generations.

Francis of Assisi did not go to see Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil to "extend a hand of friendship."  This was what happened according to [2]:

Having obtained the authorization of the pontifical delegate, Francis and brother Illuminated approached the enemy’s camp, screaming “Sultan! Sultan!” When they took them before the presence of Malek-al-Kamil, Francis declared daringly, “It is not men who have sent me, but almighty God. I come to show you, you and your people, the path of salvation; I come to announce the truths of the Gospel.”

Bergoglio's mocking of Saint Francis of Assisi by naming himself Francis I is evil enough, to then lie about what Saint Francis did during his visit with Sultan al-Malik al-Kamil is downright Satanic.

Bergoglio continued to say the following, quoted without hyperlink [3] :

I am happy that I will shortly visit the Mohammed VI Institute for the Training of Imams, Morchidines and Morchidates. Established by Your Majesty, the Institute seeks to provide effective and sound training to combat all forms of extremism, which so often lead to violence and terrorism, and which, in any event, constitute an offense against religion and against God himself.

It is fine to make friends with people with different backgrounds, cultures and religions but during this friendship, a person who has unwavering faith in Christ needs to bring up Christ, put Christ in the center and focus on Christ at all times.  Bergoglio seems to have forgotten about Christ.

What Bergoglio said below is good but not quite enough based on the assertions above [4]:

We believe that God created human beings equal in rights, duties and dignity, and he calls them to live as brothers and sisters and to spread the values of goodness, love and peace. That is why freedom of conscience and religious freedom – which is not limited to freedom of worship alone, but allows all to live in accordance with their religious convictions – are inseparably linked to human dignity. In this regard, there is a constant need to progress beyond mere tolerance to respect and esteem for others. This entails encountering and accepting others in their distinctive religious beliefs and enriching one another through our diversity, in a relationship marked by good will and by the pursuit of ways we can work together. Understood in this way, creating bridges between people – from the point of view of interreligious dialogue – calls for a spirit of mutual regard, friendship and indeed fraternity.

Bergoglio should have used this opening to mention Christ and His teachings, especially the two most important commandments, love of God and of neighbor.  He did not.

Bergoglio talked about "all forms of extremism which so often lead to violence and terrorism..."  This statement was wicked in a way, in that Bergoglio was rejecting extremism, even the "extremism" that Christ talked about, quoted without references: "Jesus said to [Thomas], 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" [5]  Imagine Bergoglio repeating these words of Christ in front King Mohammed VI of Morocco and the Moroccan people, most of whom are Muslims.  He would not dare.  Bergoglio is a coward.  He is afraid to be decapitated or worse, crucified on a cross.

Bergoglio gave a reason for rejecting extremism, in that it often led to violence and terrorism.  This reason conjures up images of extremists who terrorize innocent victims which are all too common, but Bergoglio forgot that Christ's extremism also led to violence and terrorism against Christ Himself.  Extremism, therefore, is a two-edged sword.  Bergoglio focused on just the one edge, persecution, and ignored the other, martyrdom.  Bergoglio was at least consistent in ignoring Christ in his Moroccan address since the greatest of all martyrs is Jesus Christ.

[4] Ibid.
[5], at 6.

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