Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Bergoglio Needs To Examine Himself Before He Lectures Others

Quoted from Reuters [1]:

ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) - Pope Francis said on Sunday that political leaders who want walls and other barriers to keep migrants out “will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build”.
“Builders of walls, be they made of razor wire or bricks, will end up becoming prisoners of the walls they build,” he said.

There are all kinds of walls, not just those "made of wire or bricks" as Bergoglio said.  Of course the hypocrite is too blind to recognize his own walls.

This blogger is not a proponent of walls of any kind that divide people based on citizenship or on status.  He believes that the world belongs to all of God's children and they are free to explore God's creation without limitation.  He also believes that all people are equal in dignity, that no one person is better than any other, requiring security and protection.

Safety can be a concern but it cannot be eliminated.  The first murder took place after the fall of Adam and Eve when Cain killed his brother Abel.

Nobody who is not authorized is able to approach Bergoglio.  He is being surrounded by walls of a different kind, similar to the walls that surround leaders of countries.  Bergoglio is said to be the head of the Vatican City State but without the Vatican, without the Catholic Church, Vatican City State would not exist.

Bergoglio is a servant of Christ.  "'Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.'" [2]  By surrounding himself with walls upon walls of security, Bergoglio (and other popes) has put himself above his master.  Did Christ ever surround Himself with protection?

Christ, the Messenger, did not need security because God and Heaven's angels were protecting Him but only when God, the One Who sent the Messenger, deemed it necessary.

God protects all His children too except those who by their Free Will reject Him.

[1] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-border-pope/pope-criticizes-building-walls-to-keep-migrants-out-idUSKCN1RC0UO
[2] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+13%3A1-17&version=NIV

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