Monday, April 29, 2019

Half A Million Donated By Bergoglio

MarketWatch  published an article entitled Pope Francis is no fan of ‘builders of walls,’ donates $500,000 to migrants. [1]

Selected comments from readers are quoted below, in no particular order [2]:

1.  By Steve Diamond: "If Francis sends $500k every week, he'll make a dent in the problem. If not, it's a just a stunt."

2.  By disco dan: "Hmmmm...what about this wall??"  Below it is a link to a photograph of the wall surrounding the Vatican:

3.  By james davis:  "Heaven has a very narrow gate that all must go through to enter in (Matthew 7:13).  It's a very fortified strong wall that only those who believe in Jesus will get through!  So walls are a reality whether the Pope believes in them or not."

4.  By george dogoda: "Take that money and fly all the immigrants to Rome!"

5.  By Rusty Slade: "hypocrisy"

This donation puts Bergoglio in his element, the world of politics which he loves.  Only Bergoglio and God know if Bergoglio's love of politics is exceeded by his love for God.

[2] Ibid.

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