Sunday, May 12, 2019

Thoughts On Mother's Day From A Son's Perspective

Without a mother one would not exist.  Without a mother's care, one would not live to experience childhood.  Without a mother teaching a boy who knows nothing, he will not be able to take care of himself.  Without a mother setting a good example, disciplining the child, the boy will grow up to be self-absorbed, uncaring, arrogant, unkind, rude and unconscionable.

A mother will not always be by her son's side, watching over him, protecting him, guiding him throughout life.  What a mother teaches to the young boy will be remembered.  These lessons will be his guide.

Deep inside every man is still the boy he once was.  Not every situation a man encounters is one that was rehearsed.  The boy that has grown up has to make up his own mind and choose correctly.  No mother can prepare her son for making the right choice every time.  She can only impart so much.

A mother cannot shield her son from every temptation, correct every wrong move.  She can teach her son some basic universal principles of life.  This blogger has benefited from two that were taught to him:

1.  Do right by others;
2.  Do right by your own conscience.

These were the only two.  There was nothing else.

(Here is the link to the same Mother's Day song in Hindi on You Tube that was cited last year:  The singer, Paarth Singh, re-published the song in 2019:

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