Thursday, May 30, 2019

Theordore McCarrick's Former Secretary - Monsignor Anthony J. Figueiredo - Reveals A Part Of The Truth

Two days ago on May 28, 2018, Monsignor Anthony J. Figueiredo, Theodore McCarrick's former secretary published a report containing facts that "show clearly that high-ranking prelates likely had knowledge of McCarrick’s actions and of restrictions imposed upon him during the pontificate of Benedict XVI. They also clearly show that these restrictions were not enforced even before the pontificate of Francis." [1]

They also suggest that some prelates, not named in the report, who have continuously lied about the truth.  Are they not afraid of the day when they have to face Christ Who is Truth Himself?  How would they answer?  Since they are still alive, they still have time to repent.  Time will tell if they will or not.

Monsignor Anthony J. Figueiredo is not a saint, at least not yet.  Below is his public confession [2]:

The hierarchy’s abuse of authority and cover up, in their various and serious manifestations, have inflicted consequences upon me, too. As Pope Francis has noted: “Many of those who have suffered in this way have also sought relief in the path of addiction” (Homily, July 7, 2014). Especially as a priest, I regret unreservedly the harms that I caused as a result of them through seeking consolation in alcohol. Now I am deeply grateful for the therapeutic treatment that I am receiving, which has allowed me to embrace a life of sobriety. 

Beyond his embrace of sobriety,  Monsignor Anthony J. Figueiredo has also embraced truth and transparency, but he has not gone far enough.  At the end of the report, the following paragraph was printed in bold [3]  [Emphasis  added]:

The documents used in this report have been vetted for their authenticity by lawyers and journalists. Additional documents and other sensitive correspondence from McCarrick that offer further background on these and other issues are in my possession. They will form the basis of further possible reports if this contributes to the good of the ongoing investigation and efforts to address the abuse crisis, love of Holy Mother Church, and ultimately the salvation of souls.  

By withholding certain documents, Monsignor Anthony J. Figueiredo is no better than those who omit to tell the whole truth.  Perhaps he can even be considered to be in complicity with them until he releases the "[a]dditional documents and other sensitive correspondence from McCarrick."

A partial truth is the equivalent of a partial lie.

Sexual abuse is a serious matter and the whole truth needs to be presented, not just a part of it.  Why not disclose everything at the same time?  Is this a game of hide and seek?  Are victims not entitled to the whole truth?  Why play with their emotions?  Why create a mystery and leave them wondering?

"Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." [4] [Emphasis added]  Jesus did not say, "I am the way and the half-truth."  Jesus' truth is the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  Those who do not live by the whole truth have lost their way to Heaven unless they repent.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.

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