Sunday, May 26, 2019

Peace Between Israel and Palestine Remains A Dream

ANSAmed  published an article on 22 May 2019, entitled 2-state solution repeated uselessly, say Catholics. [1]  The article is quoted below in full [2]:

The Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land have said in a statement that the two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinian Territories has gone nowhere and that discussing it repeatedly has become empty rhetoric. It added that a new orientation was needed, different education and a new vision for the holy land and the two populations living therein. It said that only peace based on dignity, mutual respect and equality as human beings ''will save us''. The statement was signed by Catholic representatives of different rites including Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarchate, and Father Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land.

It focuses on an analysis of the current situation in which ''every hope of peace'' has disappeared and in which even those who once claimed to be guardians of democracy and peace promoters have become promoters of power and partisan participants of the conflict. The church leaders said that, reflecting on recent decades in which peace and reconciliation were promoted, ''we have received more hatred, oppression, corruption and demagogy'', and that the time has come from the Church and spiritual leaders to find another way and to insist that everyone, [including] ''Israelis and Palestinians, are brothers and sisters in humanity''.

The statement urged an exit to ''this permanent situation of war, hatred, and death'' and called on Christians in Palestine and Israel to join with Jews, Muslims, Druze and others sharing a vision of a society based on equality and the common good and to build bridges based on mutual respect and love. The statement added that equality is a necessary foundation for a just and lasting peace. (ANSAmed).

Sadly, there are certain people who see themselves as better than others.  Unless this mentality changes, which is nearly impossible without re-education to re-program their thoughts, equality is not foreseeable and therefore "a just and lasting peace" between Israel and Palestine remains a dream.

It is overly optimistic to want a bridge built "based on mutual respect and love" but one built based solely on mutual respect ought to be sufficient.  Love of neighbor as oneself can come later.  At least, one of the Ten Commandments, thou shall not kill, would be observed.

[2] Ibid.

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