Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Connection To History

One of the definitions of history is "the record of past events and times, especially in connection with the human race." [1] History has never been a topic of interest for this blogger because he views history as a constant reminder of things past that are better forgotten and forgiven.  By burying the hatchet, man is able to work together toward a future that satisfies man's basic needs everywhere, so that anyone, anywhere, is able to live in peace, have food, shelter, clean water, proper sanitation and access to medication.

Having wealth, having fame, having power and having influence are not part of man's basic needs.  Greed and envy have no place in this utopian future, neither do wrath, vengeance nor pride.  When the world's governments have the same goals in mind, when God's Will is being done on earth as it is in Heaven, autocracy and democracy speak with one voice.

Intellect, talent and ambition will not be used selfishly or injuriously.  The reward would be seeing happiness in the others less gifted and capable, not the big gains on one's brokerage and personal financial statements.  The standards of living will be lowered in the beginning because military spending will cease, corruption and theft will end and drug and human trafficking will stop, as will genetically-modified (Satanic) foods be eradicated.

This economic slowdown will be replaced by the development of safe, easy, fast and environmentally clean transportation for people and goods around the world, within a country and between countries, by cutting travel by more than half the time that it takes at present.  There will be no need for passports.  Everyone will be able to live anywhere and contribute to everyone everywhere.  The world becomes one, and one who inhabits it becomes the helper of another.  This mutuality is understood and practiced by all.

There is also mutuality between man and nature.  Reforestation will begin, toxicities will be cleaned-up and violators will be required to cease their operations at once.  With the passing of many centuries, all things will be natural again, assuming there is still that much time left for this world.  For example, there will be no fish farming, and caviar will be affordable to all because wild beluga sturgeons will begin to multiply in pristine waters as will all other fishes in the wild.

This utopian fantasy ends here.  It is a fantasy because history now viewed differently by this blogger, is not erasable and therefore cannot be forgotten.  No one can escape it without Divine Intervention.

Christ died for the salvation of sinners.  His death did not erase from man the DNA of Original Sin that he acquired from Eve, the first mother of Sin.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is the only exception.  She is the Immaculate Conception because She did not inherit Original Sin from Her parents who were both sinners.

Since Original Sin is part of man's DNA, a man cannot be Christ and a woman cannot be the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Man cannot "Free Will" his way out of Original Sin.  Therefore the constant struggle for man to choose between following his nature that is predisposed to the commission of sins and following his soul that always inclines away from sin toward holiness will continue.

Not only is man shackled by Original Sin, he is tied inextricably to the sins of his ancestors.  The farther back one goes, the closer is one's connection to another, going all the way back to Adam and Eve.  For example, a victim of the Holocaust cannot claim that he is not affiliated with Hitler in the sense that they both share the same first parents and they both have the same Original Sin.  Similarly, Abraham is a common ancestor of both the Arabs and the Jews. [2]

If everyone has the same Original Sin and has the same first parents, then why do some people tend more toward good and some more toward evil?  Cain killed Abel.  The disciple John chose to accompany Christ at the foot of the cross with the Blessed Virgin Mary and Judas Iscariot chose to betray Christ.  Would it be too far-fetched to imagine that Eve could have been impregnated by Satan and Satan's DNA has been spread out over the millennia, with some offspring in the same family inheriting it but not others?  On the topic of Cain's possible father being Satan, this imaginative mind has found company online. [3], [4].

In conclusion, like it or not, history is part of, and links together every man, woman and child [5] ever lived.

[5] Why should a child matter, especially one who was conceived but never lived or lived long, as a result of natural causes or by sinister designs, who never made any real impact upon the earth?  A person anywhere in the world does not only affect those elsewhere in the world by what he or she chooses to do in life but also by his or her absence from life.  By not having chosen, by not having the opportunity to realize his or her potential, whether for good or for bad, every person is affected in some way, whether or not noticed.  What is not readily noticeable is that all persons breathe in air that contains oxygen and exhale mostly carbon dioxide.  Every breath taken or not taken impacts nature as a whole.  That is just breathing.  Many other things are noticeable, including consumption, the disposal of trash and certain actions an individual takes or does not take, also impacts nature.  Nature connects all in the time-space continuum every single moment.

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