Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Perfect Creator And The Imperfect Man

The question is what does God Who is perfect see in man who is not?

Was Adam an evil person by disobeying God's one and only commandment - not to eat from the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge?  Probably not.  He could have been bored and wanted to try something "new" or just wanted to be naughty and see what would happen, or maybe Satan seduced him.

Can the Serpent be blamed for Adam's choice?  Not entirely because the Serpent, like God, allowed Adam to exercise his Free Will, even though the Serpent probably used every means to cloud Adam's judgment.  As a result,  Adam made the wrong choice, but God still loved him.  "The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them." [1]

Can anyone imagine the Almighty God, Creator of all things worldly and other-worldy, designing and making clothes tailored to fit Adam and Eve?  Can anyone imagine how perfection can love imperfection?

Perfect love is defined here as unconditional love.  One might say that God's love is not unconditional because God sends souls to Hell.  If God's love is truly unconditional, then all souls would go to Heaven.  This conclusion takes away man's Free Will.  It is not that entry to Heaven is blocked for some but that it is the preference of some for evil.  Evil people have no compunction, they refuse to be humble, to repent and improve themselves.  Therefore, it is they who open the door to Hell.  Can these people who do not care to be like Christ blame God and say that God made them imperfect and being imperfect, they were destined to be evil?

The built-in, or God-made, imperfections in people who want to be like Christ are revealed in the constant battles choosing between good and evil.  It is one's determination to overcome one's weaknesses and repetitive failures, to seek forgiveness that endears one to God, that opens the door to Heaven.  Evil people do not bother to engage in such battles.  They relish evilness and endear themselves to Satan.

In other words, imperfection can but does not necessarily lead to evil.  People are imperfect but people can still be kind, charitable, humble and loving.  Such qualities can also be found in people who kill, who perform abortions, people who support abortion and mothers who abort.  How such qualities can offset evilness is not for man to judge.

Only God Who is perfect is able to comprehend perfectly imperfections in man.

So why did God create an imperfect man with weaknesses?  Why did God not give Adam and Eve enough strength so that they would be have the iron will to reject all temptations?  If God had done so, then God would have "programmed" man to obey and love Him.  "Free Will" would then be conceptual, would only sound good and not have meaning.

It is weakness in man that allows Free Will to be exercised.  Man is strong enough to reject all temptations.  His Free Will that has made it difficult.  This seemingly insurmountable difficulty empowers Free Will.  When it is overcome, it perfects the imperfect man.


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