Saturday, March 30, 2019


Lying comes in many forms.  They include:

1. intentional misstatement of the truth
2. obfuscation of the truth
3. fractional (half) truths
4. intentional omission of the truth (treacherous silence)
5. casting doubt upon truth
6. covering up the truth
7. altering the truth
8. twisting the truth
9. denying the truth
10. rejecting the truth
11. ignoring the truth (Satan neither tempts with Heaven' riches nor threatens with Hell's sufferings)
12. manufacturing untruths
13. rationalizing untruths
14. dressing up untruths (to sound good, to avoid embarrassment)
15. believing subjectively that certain untruths are innocuous, and so on.

Not only do people lie to others, they also lie to themselves.

That lying has become popular is a sign that Satan's influence is pervasive.

When people come to accept lies as something that is normal and to be expected, that could mean that people are comfortable with the ways of Satan.

Being devoted to Satan is one thing, doing its work is another.  Man is quite possibly a step above Satan in the art of lying, in that man can lie about what he does not know.  Satan, on the other hand, knows the truth and lies about it.

A liar cannot conceal a pack of lies and expect to go through Heaven's security gate.  Christ Himself is the Lie Detector.  Heaven has no room for lies.  God made that clear in the Garden of Eden.

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