Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Adultery Is Apparently Fine With The Catholic Church

Braincharm.com  published an article entitled Catholic church welcomes back priest who had orgies and slept with parishioners.  The article reported the following [1]:

Father Roberto Cavazzana, 43, has been noted as “very charismatic” and subsequently, attracted a lot of attention from the media.

In 2017, he rose to fame in Italy after sharing spiritual guidance to Belen Rodriguez — a very famous TV presenter in the country.

He was described by Rodriguez as a “modern priest,” and a “handsome and nice man.”
Currently, the 43-year-old is attempting to recover his reputation, after the scandal came out last year.

He admitted that he had sex with 13 of his church goers as well as took part in a large number of sex parties.

Father Andrea Contin, another priest, organized the orgies and was later expelled from the church too.

Father Contin, 50, would film the parties — where they used bondage equipment as well as sex toys.

After three of his former lovers came forward about his behavior, an investigation was launched.

Of the women who came forward, two shared claims that they went to Contin for advice as they feared their marriages were falling apart.

But instead of giving the women spiritual guidance, they allege that he seduced them as well as pressured them to be involved in “extreme sexual activities.”

The bishop of Venice, Claudio Cipolla, said that he forgave Father Cavazzana “like a father,” and he was receiving his inspiration from the “mercy of the Lord.”

The village mayor, Maria Elena Sinigalia, said:

“We are not talking about pedophilia so we are calm. You need to distinguish between the man and the priest and Don Roberto is a good priest. We hope he comes back soon. We are ready to forgive him.”

The father shared the following after he heard he was allowed to return to the Church:

“I ask for forgiveness for the words, the gestures and all the mistakes that I have made.”

What a wonderful bishop Padua, Italy, has. [2]  Claudio Cioplla forgave the promiscuous adulterer priest and said that he "was receiving his inspiration from the 'mercy of the Lord.'"  Why stop with this one adulterer, why not allow the Lord's mercy to reach far and wide and forgive all promiscuous adulterers, fornicators, pedophiles, sodomites, rapists and all other sex addicts in the world?  Perhaps the newly defrocked Theodore Edgar McCarrick [3] should consider moving there.  In time, maybe Maria Elena Sinigalia, will calm down and be able to distinguish between the pedophile and the former Cardinal/priest as well and forgive him, and welcome him to her church.

[1] https://braincharm.com/2019/03/08/catholic-church-welcomes-back-priest-who-had-orgies-and-slept-with-parishioners/
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudio_Cipolla
[3] https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/16/us/mccarrick-defrocked-vatican.html

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