Monday, March 11, 2019

What Does "I Don't Know How To Pray" Mean?

When someone says, "I don't know how to pray," what can be going through the person's mind?  This blogger is not sure but will guess at three possibilities:

1. The person is humble, feels unworthy and fears communicating with God on a personal level.
2. The person is proud and self-sufficient and nothing comes to mind while trying to pray.
3. The person has not yet learned to say the prayers of the rosary.

There is a way to overcome all three impediments: read, think about, memorize the prayers of the rosary, and say them daily.  It would be ideal if every word is said with concentration, comprehension and reflection, without being distracted, and without falling asleep.  This may sound easy but is difficult to do, especially for every Hail Mary prayer, all five decades of them.

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