Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Unrealistic Wishes For 2016

No matter how unrealistic, one can still hope:

1.  That everyone would remember to say a prayer of gratitude for God's gifts at least once a week.
2.  That one can inspire another with kindness and be inspired by kindness once a season.
3.  That the force of Evil scouring the world for the weak to inhabit be forced back into Hell by the collective force of good.
4.  That the world belonging to every one of its inhabitants be able to go anywhere without fear of violence.
5.  That those who have served Satan and who continues to adhere their pride and greed for power begin to see in their sleep the misery and death they have put others through and the Hell that may be waiting for them so that they would wake up and do something good to save themselves from eternal damnation.
6.  That those who live in their insular worlds and who still have hope for salvation open their hearts and reach out to those they have systematically isolated and begin to see the common bond of humanity.
7.  That those whose lives had been frozen in time reject the Satanic temptations of the modern world and find that happiness in poverty is preferred over emptiness with possessions.
8.  That those who have incredible fortune and fame speak with honesty how they still hunger for fulfillment.
9.  That Mother Nature never gets sick and experience chills (global cooling) and fevers (global warming) despite man's continuous attack on the ecosystem.
10.  That the heart of every person be filled with inner peace so that the world can be at peace.

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