Saturday, December 26, 2015

2015 - A Year Of Uncertainty

Year 2015 will end in five days.  It has been a year of uncertainty, usual in the financial markets [1], but not usual for those fleeing Syria.  The number of refugees has recently exceeded 4 million. [2]  What is certain, however, is the uncertainty surrounding Syria's future, the oil market, the stability in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, United States' war with ISIL, Russia's war with ISIL, France's war with ISIL and the time and place of radical Islamic acts of violence.

The world is not at peace.  What used to be a precarious civilization has turned into a fearful society.  Groups of men in uniform carrying loaded weapons providing security for the public is now a common sight.

A time of innocence is lost.  Everyone is treated as a potential terror suspect and subject to searches before being allowed into certain areas and events.  Not only is the presumption of innocence dead, the free society upon which it was founded is itself also non-existent.

At a place where the good is indistinguishable from the wicked, Satan is in charge.  Satan has always maintained that no man is worthy of salvation because every man is inherently a sinner whose soul deserves to be in Hell.  For those still in the flesh, Satan is showing them a prelude.


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