Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Hijab

This blogger does not even know how to pronounce the word but "hijab" is the name of the scarf that Muslim women use to wrap their heads with. [1]  Seeing several women the other day in the very crowded subway stations and on the subway trains somewhere in Asia, this blogger was struck with a degree of fear, however unfounded and unjustified, that perhaps one of them would for some reason detonate a suicide belt, taking her own life and the lives of many commuters around her.  These women stood out because of their hijabs.  Had they not worn their hijabs identifying them as Muslim, this blogger would not have feared.

As much as this blogger dislikes prejudging, he prejudged the Muslim women wearing their hijabs.  And as often as this blogger writes about hypocrisy, he was being a hypocrite by doing the very thing --prejudging--that he does not think is right to do. [2]

A sinner this blogger was born as and a sinner he will continue to be until his death, and on God's mercy he will depend in hopes that his soul will be saved.

[2] Prejudging and hypocrisy in this instance are only two of this blogger's many, many flaws.

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