Thursday, December 10, 2015

News And Democracy

Having been in Asia for about two weeks and away from the constant bombardment by the news on American television that reports daily on the divisions in the country and in the cities all across the nation is a respite.  Why is supposedly the greatest democratic nation in the world so divided within its borders?  If democracy is the ideal form of government, then the United States proves that democratic government can be quite contentious.  To say that its fifty states are united requires one to stretch beyond recognition the meaning of unity.

A perfect democracy where the majority is always one hundred percent without dissenters is not possible, not in this world of sinners, but in Heaven, it exists.  Heaven can have a perfect democracy because every soul there is in perfect communion with God, the Creator.  Where there is one mind under goodness in its purest form, democracy and dictatorship are no longer opposites but are identical and indistinguishable.

If in the world of sinners everyone can be of one mind on an otherwise divisive issue without a single dissenter, that would be news.

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