Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Conscience

God has given everyone a conscience.  This entry defines conscience as a key to the goodness of God.  One has the option to use it to open up the goodness within, or ignore it, keeping the goodness locked up, allowing the conscience to become dormant and die.  Without a conscience, one becomes the agent of Satan, filled with pride, envy and hate, manifested in the decisions made and the work done or left undone.

The absence of selflessness is an indication of the lack of a conscience.  To ask a person to be selfless at all times is to ask the impossible.  Only the Son of God was able to do so. Being an imperfect sinner, one is expected to try one's best at all times, and that means failing often.  The failure to apply one's conscience perfectly is not equivalent to setting it aside.  To try and try again to be selfless means exercising one's conscience regularly.

Applying one's conscience in everything one does matures the conscience.  A fully mature conscience is the judge of one's life after the end of life.  The better one's conscience is, the better the outcome of the judgment, for how one uses his/her conscience in life will be how one's conscience be applied to his/her soul after his/her death.

To get to Heaven, therefore, is not so easy, for one's conscience often errs in favor of one's flesh but at the same time against the interest of one's soul.  It will only be at the mercy of God that the Gates of Heaven will be open.

For anyone who does not use his/her conscience, the conscience becomes dormant and eventually dies, then Satan fills the void left by a non-existent conscience.  A dead conscience is not a conscience.  A person who does not have a conscience to be applied to his/her soul after his/her death should have reason to fear since it is no different than being treated by someone without a conscience in life.  Being treated by someone without a conscience is like being treated as if one had no redeeming qualities.  Souls without any redeeming quality end up in Hell.  Therefore, when a soul is being judged by an absence of conscience, the soul being judged would be deemed to be worthless and straight to Hell it will go.

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