Monday, December 14, 2015

Pope Silences The Words Of Christ

'"A Reflection on Theological Questions Pertaining to Catholic-Jewish Relations,' was issued by the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, and approved by Pope Francis.  It says Christianity and Judaism are intertwined, and that God never annulled his covenant with the Jewish people." [1]

How the Vatican knows for certain what God has or has not done is miraculous.

While this blogger agrees with the Vatican that the Jews are free to believe what they want, he objects to the statement that Christianity and Judaism are intertwined.  If they are intertwined, then the whole concept of the Holy Eucharist, the underpinning of Catholicism [2], ought to be eviscerated to complete the intertwining of Judaism and Catholicism, so that believers in both religions are able to attend religious services and be active participants in all the religious rituals in either a church or a synagogue.  Moreover, the administration of the two religions ought to be combined at the highest levels, merging the Vatican with all the rabbinical councils on the planet.

To perfect the intertwining of Catholicism and Judaism is not likely at any time in the foreseeable future, even if this pope wishes to share his power, as unlikely as that is, because not every Catholic and every Jew is in agreement with the Vatican.  "The Jews for Jesus organization has denounced the Vatican for saying that the Catholic Church must try not to covert Jews to Christianity.  David Brickner, executive director of Jews for Jesus, said in a statement ... that his organization finds the position '...egregious, especially coming from an institution which seeks to represent a significant number of Christians in the world.'" [3]

David Brickner made an excellent point.  In order to be a good Catholic, Catholic Christians must follow the edict of the pope and no longer speak about Christ and His teachings in front of a Jew.  Now it is back to an eye for an eye [4] and Catholics can forget about turning the other cheek [5]. If Satan is not working fast enough in welcoming all Catholics to Hell, this Pope is working hard being the catalyst.


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