Monday, December 14, 2015

The Mission Of Evangelization

"To help appreciate and better promote the vocation of religious brothers, the Vatican releases a 50-page reflection of the importance of their life and mission of evangelization, fraternity and sacrifice." [1]  This blogger has not read the 50-page release nor has he seen the more or less 10,000-word Vatican announcement calling for Christians to not attempt to convert Jews [2], nonetheless he is prepared to suggest the following paragraphs to be inserted as addenda to the 50-page document under the section on evangelization:

"The simplest way to say what evangelization means is to follow Pope Paul VI, whose message Evangelii Nuntiandi (On Evangelization in the Modern World) has inspired so much recent thought and activity in the Church.  We [the United States Conference of Bishops] can rephrase his words to say that evangelizing means bringing the Good News of Jesus into every human situation and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel itself." [3]

But Brothers, you must disregard what Pope Paul VI had said, because your current boss, pope Frank, has forbidden you to convert Jews to Christianity. [4]  You ask: why?  Do not, because you are forbidden to question your boss.  You ask: how?  First, you must learn how to single out all the Jews, then you must shut up about "the divine power of the Gospel" regardless of how passionate you are about the Truth of the words of the Son of God when you meet anyone who is Jewish.

You ask: would singling out Jews be considered as "politically incorrect profiling" and racism? Yes. You ask: is our boss the Son of God Who was sent by His Father or the pope?  If you are a Catholic brother and you operate within the purview of the Vatican, your boss is the pope because he can defrock you.  You ask:  what if I make an innocent mistake?  Go to your room and study the methods by which Germans were able to identify Jews under Hitler's regime, then prepare a written confession to send to the pope indicating that you have become a Nazi in order to carry out his edict.

Therefore, to protect your jobs, Brothers, evangelize all you want but stop short when you are face to face with a Jew.

[3], accessed December 14, 2015.

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