Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Unrealistic Wishes For 2016

No matter how unrealistic, one can still hope:

1.  That everyone would remember to say a prayer of gratitude for God's gifts at least once a week.
2.  That one can inspire another with kindness and be inspired by kindness once a season.
3.  That the force of Evil scouring the world for the weak to inhabit be forced back into Hell by the collective force of good.
4.  That the world belonging to every one of its inhabitants be able to go anywhere without fear of violence.
5.  That those who have served Satan and who continues to adhere their pride and greed for power begin to see in their sleep the misery and death they have put others through and the Hell that may be waiting for them so that they would wake up and do something good to save themselves from eternal damnation.
6.  That those who live in their insular worlds and who still have hope for salvation open their hearts and reach out to those they have systematically isolated and begin to see the common bond of humanity.
7.  That those whose lives had been frozen in time reject the Satanic temptations of the modern world and find that happiness in poverty is preferred over emptiness with possessions.
8.  That those who have incredible fortune and fame speak with honesty how they still hunger for fulfillment.
9.  That Mother Nature never gets sick and experience chills (global cooling) and fevers (global warming) despite man's continuous attack on the ecosystem.
10.  That the heart of every person be filled with inner peace so that the world can be at peace.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

2015 - A Year Of Uncertainty

Year 2015 will end in five days.  It has been a year of uncertainty, usual in the financial markets [1], but not usual for those fleeing Syria.  The number of refugees has recently exceeded 4 million. [2]  What is certain, however, is the uncertainty surrounding Syria's future, the oil market, the stability in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, United States' war with ISIL, Russia's war with ISIL, France's war with ISIL and the time and place of radical Islamic acts of violence.

The world is not at peace.  What used to be a precarious civilization has turned into a fearful society.  Groups of men in uniform carrying loaded weapons providing security for the public is now a common sight.

A time of innocence is lost.  Everyone is treated as a potential terror suspect and subject to searches before being allowed into certain areas and events.  Not only is the presumption of innocence dead, the free society upon which it was founded is itself also non-existent.

At a place where the good is indistinguishable from the wicked, Satan is in charge.  Satan has always maintained that no man is worthy of salvation because every man is inherently a sinner whose soul deserves to be in Hell.  For those still in the flesh, Satan is showing them a prelude.

[1] http://markets.ft.com/research/Markets/Tearsheets/Summary?s=AW01:FSI
[2] http://data.unhcr.org/syrianrefugees/regional.php

Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas On Friday -- A Paradox?

Today is Christmas, the birthday of Jesus.  This year, it falls on a Friday, the day of the week that Jesus died on the cross, that Catholic say the rosary meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries [1].  To have the birth and death of Jesus sharing the same day of the week is a paradox [2], or not?

The Gospel of Luke says: "While [Mary and Joseph] were [in Bethlehem], the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.  She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them." [3]  A manger is defined as "a box or trough in a stable or barn from which horses or cattle eat." [4]

Luke 2 sets the stage for Jesus being food, not for the body but for the soul in preparation for its journey to Heaven and Matthew 2 details the Magi's visit as Jesus was laying in the manger: upon Jesus the three wise men came, guided by a star "until it stopped over the place where the child [Jesus] was.  When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.  On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.  Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." [5]

"The gift of gold to the Christ child was symbolic of His divinity--God in flesh." [6]  Frankincense is a symbol of holiness and righteousness.  The gift of frankincense to the Christ child was symbolic of His willingness to become a sacrifice, wholly giving Himself up, analogous to a burnt offering." [7]  "[Myrrh] was a spice and was used in embalming.  It was also sometimes mingled with wine to form an article of drink.  Such a drink was given to our Savior when He was about to be crucified, as a stupefying potion (Mark 15:23).  Matthew 27:34 refers to it as 'gall.'  Myrrh symbolizes bitterness, suffering and affliction.  The baby Jesus would grow to suffer greatly as a man and would pay the ultimate price when He gave His life on the cross for [the salvation of] all who would believe in Him." [8]

It is thus clear that Christmas day falling on a Friday in this 2015th year is not a paradox but a harmony. [9]

[1] http://www.rosary-center.org/sorrow.htm
[2] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/paradox: "3. any person, thing or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature."
[3] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+2&version=NIV
[4] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/manger
[5] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%202:1-12
[6] http://www.gotquestions.org/gold-frankincense-myrrh.html
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] http://www.thefreedictionary.com/harmony: "a. An orderly or pleasing combination of elements in a whole"; "b. A relationship in which various components exist together without destroying one another."

Midnight Mass 2015

This blogger was hoping to go to confession before taking Holy Communion but his plan failed and relied on the general confession at the beginning of Mass as a substitute.  Had he been able to make a personal confession, he would tell his confessor that due to an abundance of pride he had not been able to sit in church with patience and humility to listen to the priest he knew or thought to be merely going through the motions, delivering a homily without any invested interest, merely reading words on paper out loud with vapidity, and had considered such priestly actions to be insulting not only to the congregation in attendance but to God.

At the midnight Mass, about half the archbishop's homily was quoted from another homily by another person.  Not that this blogger had not tried--he had--but failed to comprehend what he was trying to say (perhaps he read the homily out too loud or his microphone was too sensitive, or perhaps he mistakenly equated the volume of his voice that blasted from the speakers and echoed around the cathedral with authority and passion).  This blogger's mind soon began to wander, thinking that something was very wrong with what he was seeing: an able-bodied man having the ability stand and walk without difficulty cloaked in religious garments was sitting in his chair reading his prepared text held by an alter boy kneeling before him.

It was a Christmas Mass and the archbishop could not speak extemporaneously without notes on the meaning of the birth of Christ?  And he could not be bothered to stand in front of his congregation to deliver with passion an inspiring Christmas homily?  Even if he needed his notes, did someone have to kneel before him so that he could read it?  Could he not have at least stood at the lectern?

The recessional hymn was "Joy To The World" but the Mass left this attendant with neither joy nor fulfillment.

This blogger's pride in his personal opinions could very well be a sin.  He supposes that he would continue to sin until he finds the right priest to lead him to Heaven.  Meanwhile, he would rather not break bread with those religious who he thinks could serve God better by resigning.  (May this blogger's soul be saved!)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

No Room At The Inn

Every Christian knows that Jesus was born in a stable because there was no room at the inn.  Not only was there no room for the Son of God back then in Bethlehem, there is no room for Him now anywhere in man's daily life, thoughts, automobile, home, workplace or playgrounds.  And there was no room for Jesus in this pope's mind: on Christmas eve, 2015, this pope focused his homily mainly on economics.  He mentioned "consumerism, pleasure, abundance and wealth" and "people's excesses" [1] and contrasted all that with Jesus' birth, who was "'born into poverty of this world.'" [2]

Jesus was born in a stable because there was no vacancy at the inn, not because his family could not afford to pay for a room.  Had Holy Family been indigent, they would have been homeless and Jesus would have been born on the street.  Had that been the case, then this pope would have been correct, that Jesus was "'born into poverty of this world.'" [3]

For the Holy Family to agree to stay in the stable means only that they were humble, not that they were poor.  The Catholic church seems to thrive on poverty and not on humility.

It is true that the Holy Family was not affluent.  They could not afford the the kind of wealth that the pope has chosen to surround himself with at the Vatican.  If the pope truly wants to, he could choose to move out of the Vatican and live in a one-bedroom pensione with shared restroom and shower, to come close to being like Christ.  That he has not done and likely will not do.

The reason that God had arranged to have Jesus born in a stable surrounded by farm animals is symbolic because like a farm animal, Jesus had to give up his life so that man can be nourished, spiritually, because man without God is spiritually starved.  God is concerned with man's spiritual bankruptcy, not man's financial position.  God did not send Jesus to make man money, to give man real property and chattels but to save man's soul.  Why is the pope and the entire Catholic church are obsessed with money never ceases to amaze this blogger ("irritate" is probably a better word). [4]

What would this pope, who had named himself Francis after Saint Francis of Assisi, do if he had met the mendicant Francis who chose to be poor?  Throw money at him?  Force him to go back to his family and live his comfortable wealthy life once more?  Is that not what pope Frank wants to see the poor of the world to have, a comfortable life?  Does he even care about their souls?  If he does, he has not said so repeatedly with emphasis, as far as this blogger knows.  He wanted man to judge, to be "'capable of seeing and doing what is essential'" [5] rather than to love purely, unconditionally and perhaps even blindly.

This pope does not seem to like to talk much about love, perhaps love is absent from his heart.  In contrast to Pope Benedict XVI, who is not perfect by any means, he, at least, spoke of love [6], in his own unique vernacular that is intellectual, emotionally detached and difficult to grasp.

This pope also wanted man to "'cultivate a strong sense of justice'" [7] apparently to right what he perceived to be wrong, by punishing the wrongdoers (that is what justice tends to do, punish) rather than forgiving, as Jesus did the sinful woman "for she loved much." [7]

Love is simple.  It does not require an explanation in the form of a treatise.  Anyone who does not understand love is not human.  Even wild animals understand love and they do not have a written language.  They breed and raise their young otherwise they would have been extinct. Certainly, the farm animals in the stable where Jesus was born understood love.

Joseph and Mary understood love. After all, they were chosen by God, and God is love.  Jesus, the Son of God, was the true  image of love in the flesh -- inn or no inn, money or no money -- it did not matter to Him.  His love for His Father sustained Him from Satan's temptations; His love for man sustained Him throughout His Passion beginning with His agony in the garden to His death on the cross.

But tonight is not about the death of Jesus but His birth that brought love to man, but man has rejected His love by allowing everything else except the love of Christ to occupy his entire being, with no room left in his heart and in his mind for the Savior of souls, relegating Jesus Christ and His love to a handful of caretakers in the barn [9] some distance away, paying a visit once or twice a year, if that often.

[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] God has provided everything that is necessary for man to survive on this earth without ever going hungry provided that man nurture it with love.  Instead, man has exploited nature for his selfish gains, resulting in contamination, disease, starvation and violence.
[9] The "barn" is concept, not a place, certainly not the Vatican and not the unholy churches around the world; the "caretakers" are not the political popes, priests and other religious, but the humble sinners whom God forgives and loves and who love God in return; and the "paying of a visit" is not a physical journey to a place, but an act of supplication.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Frank Düpree's Superlative Performance Of Beethoven's Choral Fantasy

One of this blogger's all time favorite classical pieces is Beethoven's Choral Fantasy in C Minor, Op. 80 for piano, chorus and orchestra.  In a previous post, he stated that his favorite performance of the piece was by Evgeny Kissin, pianist, Claudio Abbado, conductor.  Since then, there is a new favorite, a performance by a 24 year-old German pianist [1] that is available on Youtube [2].  His name is Frank Düpree. Below is a photograph of the young pianist [3]:

This blogger realizes how music is interpreted and performed is subjective, but nonetheless concludes that the caliber of this performance (save for a flaw or two) by the orchestra of the University of Music Karlsruhe , the soloists, the chorus and the pianist, was outstanding.  In this blogger's opinion, Frank Düpree had captured with his piano playing with transparency, absent any hint of the performer's affectation, the genius of Beethoven in all of its dimensions, including the composer's moments of self-reflection, of brilliance, of anger, of deep-seated fears and of uncontainable joy, as well as the grandeur of Beethoven's imagination.

The splendor of beauty comes from Heaven and a glimpse of which can be had through those given the talents to reveal them.  God is still very much engaged in a world that is becoming more and more closely aligned with Hell, by blessing certain individuals with talent and inspiration such as Frank Düpree whose music remind us that God is very much here and near, watching, and listening to the desires of the heart.

[1] https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=de&u=https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_D%25C3%25BCpree&prev=search
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9Xg45bpgkg
[3] http://p360130.pixnet.net/blog/post/190478101-frank-dupree-%E5%BC%97%E8%98%AD%E5%85%8B%EF%BC%8E%E6%9D%9C%E6%99%AE%E9%87%8C---%E5%BE%B7%E5%9C%8B%E9%8B%BC%E7%90%B4%E5%AE%B6(844)

Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Annunciation - A Reflection

One wonders if the Annunciation was not preceded by the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, if Angel Gabriel's announcement [1] would cause the young virgin Mary to doubt her own qualifications to shoulder such a great burden, to carry in her womb the child of God.

One could speculate that an ordinary girl her age would first be filled with anxiety upon receiving the news, questioning as to why she was chosen, and would then look in the mirror to see if she is pretty enough to be the mother of God's child.

However, Mary was no ordinary girl -- she was born without Original Sin, and thus could not be classified under any category that humans tends to classify themselves for identification and other purposes and could not be expected to behave like every other sinner.

Although Mary was initially apprehensive as to what Angel's Gabriel's visit meant, she was neither frantic nor reluctant after she was told that she was chosen to give birth to the Son of God.  Her only question, asked calmly, was how that could be possible since she was still a virgin. [2]

Can any sinner react with such perfect humility, confidence and grace when given a similar burden from God without question?  Joseph came close, but not before considering sending Mary away to be on her own when "she was found to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit" because "Joseph her husband was faithful to the law." [3]  Only after an appearance by an angel to Joseph did he take the pregnant Mary home with him. [4]

[1] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+1%3A26-38
[2] Ibid.
[3] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%201:18-25
[4] Ibid.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Mission Of Evangelization

"To help appreciate and better promote the vocation of religious brothers, the Vatican releases a 50-page reflection of the importance of their life and mission of evangelization, fraternity and sacrifice." [1]  This blogger has not read the 50-page release nor has he seen the more or less 10,000-word Vatican announcement calling for Christians to not attempt to convert Jews [2], nonetheless he is prepared to suggest the following paragraphs to be inserted as addenda to the 50-page document under the section on evangelization:

"The simplest way to say what evangelization means is to follow Pope Paul VI, whose message Evangelii Nuntiandi (On Evangelization in the Modern World) has inspired so much recent thought and activity in the Church.  We [the United States Conference of Bishops] can rephrase his words to say that evangelizing means bringing the Good News of Jesus into every human situation and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel itself." [3]

But Brothers, you must disregard what Pope Paul VI had said, because your current boss, pope Frank, has forbidden you to convert Jews to Christianity. [4]  You ask: why?  Do not, because you are forbidden to question your boss.  You ask: how?  First, you must learn how to single out all the Jews, then you must shut up about "the divine power of the Gospel" regardless of how passionate you are about the Truth of the words of the Son of God when you meet anyone who is Jewish.

You ask: would singling out Jews be considered as "politically incorrect profiling" and racism? Yes. You ask: is our boss the Son of God Who was sent by His Father or the pope?  If you are a Catholic brother and you operate within the purview of the Vatican, your boss is the pope because he can defrock you.  You ask:  what if I make an innocent mistake?  Go to your room and study the methods by which Germans were able to identify Jews under Hitler's regime, then prepare a written confession to send to the pope indicating that you have become a Nazi in order to carry out his edict.

Therefore, to protect your jobs, Brothers, evangelize all you want but stop short when you are face to face with a Jew.

[1] http://www.catholicnews.com/services/englishnews/2015/vatican-releases-instruction-on-identity-mission-of-religious-brothers.cfm
[2] http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2015/12/12/Vatican-says-Catholics-shouldnt-seek-to-convert-Jews/3671449948130/
[3] http://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/how-we-teach/evangelization/, accessed December 14, 2015.
[4] http://www.jpost.com/Christian-News/Catholics-should-not-try-to-convert-Jews-Vatican-says-in-landmark-document-436915

Pope Silences The Words Of Christ

'"A Reflection on Theological Questions Pertaining to Catholic-Jewish Relations,' was issued by the Pontifical Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, and approved by Pope Francis.  It says Christianity and Judaism are intertwined, and that God never annulled his covenant with the Jewish people." [1]

How the Vatican knows for certain what God has or has not done is miraculous.

While this blogger agrees with the Vatican that the Jews are free to believe what they want, he objects to the statement that Christianity and Judaism are intertwined.  If they are intertwined, then the whole concept of the Holy Eucharist, the underpinning of Catholicism [2], ought to be eviscerated to complete the intertwining of Judaism and Catholicism, so that believers in both religions are able to attend religious services and be active participants in all the religious rituals in either a church or a synagogue.  Moreover, the administration of the two religions ought to be combined at the highest levels, merging the Vatican with all the rabbinical councils on the planet.

To perfect the intertwining of Catholicism and Judaism is not likely at any time in the foreseeable future, even if this pope wishes to share his power, as unlikely as that is, because not every Catholic and every Jew is in agreement with the Vatican.  "The Jews for Jesus organization has denounced the Vatican for saying that the Catholic Church must try not to covert Jews to Christianity.  David Brickner, executive director of Jews for Jesus, said in a statement ... that his organization finds the position '...egregious, especially coming from an institution which seeks to represent a significant number of Christians in the world.'" [3]

David Brickner made an excellent point.  In order to be a good Catholic, Catholic Christians must follow the edict of the pope and no longer speak about Christ and His teachings in front of a Jew.  Now it is back to an eye for an eye [4] and Catholics can forget about turning the other cheek [5]. If Satan is not working fast enough in welcoming all Catholics to Hell, this Pope is working hard being the catalyst.

[1] http://www.jpost.com/Christian-News/Catholics-should-not-try-to-convert-Jews-Vatican-says-in-landmark-document-436915
[2] http://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/the-mass/order-of-mass/liturgy-of-the-eucharist/the-real-presence-of-jesus-christ-in-the-sacrament-of-the-eucharist-basic-questions-and-answers.cfm
[3] http://www.jpost.com/Christian-News/Jews-for-Jesus-denounces-Vatican-for-no-converting-Jews-policy-437176
[4] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Leviticus+24%3A17-22&version=ESV
[5] https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+5%3A38-48&version=NIV

Thursday, December 10, 2015

News And Democracy

Having been in Asia for about two weeks and away from the constant bombardment by the news on American television that reports daily on the divisions in the country and in the cities all across the nation is a respite.  Why is supposedly the greatest democratic nation in the world so divided within its borders?  If democracy is the ideal form of government, then the United States proves that democratic government can be quite contentious.  To say that its fifty states are united requires one to stretch beyond recognition the meaning of unity.

A perfect democracy where the majority is always one hundred percent without dissenters is not possible, not in this world of sinners, but in Heaven, it exists.  Heaven can have a perfect democracy because every soul there is in perfect communion with God, the Creator.  Where there is one mind under goodness in its purest form, democracy and dictatorship are no longer opposites but are identical and indistinguishable.

If in the world of sinners everyone can be of one mind on an otherwise divisive issue without a single dissenter, that would be news.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Conscience

God has given everyone a conscience.  This entry defines conscience as a key to the goodness of God.  One has the option to use it to open up the goodness within, or ignore it, keeping the goodness locked up, allowing the conscience to become dormant and die.  Without a conscience, one becomes the agent of Satan, filled with pride, envy and hate, manifested in the decisions made and the work done or left undone.

The absence of selflessness is an indication of the lack of a conscience.  To ask a person to be selfless at all times is to ask the impossible.  Only the Son of God was able to do so. Being an imperfect sinner, one is expected to try one's best at all times, and that means failing often.  The failure to apply one's conscience perfectly is not equivalent to setting it aside.  To try and try again to be selfless means exercising one's conscience regularly.

Applying one's conscience in everything one does matures the conscience.  A fully mature conscience is the judge of one's life after the end of life.  The better one's conscience is, the better the outcome of the judgment, for how one uses his/her conscience in life will be how one's conscience be applied to his/her soul after his/her death.

To get to Heaven, therefore, is not so easy, for one's conscience often errs in favor of one's flesh but at the same time against the interest of one's soul.  It will only be at the mercy of God that the Gates of Heaven will be open.

For anyone who does not use his/her conscience, the conscience becomes dormant and eventually dies, then Satan fills the void left by a non-existent conscience.  A dead conscience is not a conscience.  A person who does not have a conscience to be applied to his/her soul after his/her death should have reason to fear since it is no different than being treated by someone without a conscience in life.  Being treated by someone without a conscience is like being treated as if one had no redeeming qualities.  Souls without any redeeming quality end up in Hell.  Therefore, when a soul is being judged by an absence of conscience, the soul being judged would be deemed to be worthless and straight to Hell it will go.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

A Long Life

Here in Asia, a long life is a blessing.  It is perhaps something that many people of the world would want as well, except for suicide killers.  While a long life lived happily and healthfully is desired, one that is full of pain and strife may not be as pleasant [1] but many in the latter group do seek medical care to become better, hoping to return soon to their normal daily lives.

The question asked here is whether a long life is God's blessing or God's punishment.  This blogger thinks that it can be either or both.  When a life is long and the nonagenarians and the centenarians stay healthy, are well cared for by their relatives and caretakers and are content, then their long lives are blessed lives.  On the other hand, those who live long lives but cannot die could very well be a punishment, not only for them but for their family members.  The nonagenarians that are punished can suffer themselves, watch their loved ones suffer, or both. [2]  Thus, wishing a person a long life can be either something that is desired or a curse.

What about someone living a long life who is cared for in certain ways but is also suffering as a result of illness?  Is that a blessing or a punishment?  In this blogger's opinion, that is a blessing rather than a mixed blessing, for he sees the long life as the beginning of purgatory while in the flesh. This blogger had read somewhere that the Blessed Virgin Mary had indicated that suffering in life, however difficult it may be, is far easier than the suffering in Purgatory after death.  In either case, eternal joy is guaranteed, whether the purging of sins starts in life or in Purgatory.

[1] The topic of assisted-suicide is not relevant to this entry.
[2] A hypothetical example of a nonagenarian being punished is having him see his own glory being tarnished by his sons, and seeing one of his son's reputation being trashed for transforming the world into a dangerous place because of the abuse of his power while he had it and another one of his sons trying to acquire power being rejected by the people in his own party.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Hijab

This blogger does not even know how to pronounce the word but "hijab" is the name of the scarf that Muslim women use to wrap their heads with. [1]  Seeing several women the other day in the very crowded subway stations and on the subway trains somewhere in Asia, this blogger was struck with a degree of fear, however unfounded and unjustified, that perhaps one of them would for some reason detonate a suicide belt, taking her own life and the lives of many commuters around her.  These women stood out because of their hijabs.  Had they not worn their hijabs identifying them as Muslim, this blogger would not have feared.

As much as this blogger dislikes prejudging, he prejudged the Muslim women wearing their hijabs.  And as often as this blogger writes about hypocrisy, he was being a hypocrite by doing the very thing --prejudging--that he does not think is right to do. [2]

A sinner this blogger was born as and a sinner he will continue to be until his death, and on God's mercy he will depend in hopes that his soul will be saved.

[1] http://islam.about.com/od/dress/tp/clothing-glossary.htm
[2] Prejudging and hypocrisy in this instance are only two of this blogger's many, many flaws.

Media And The Works Of Satan

Shooters and television stations that cover shootings nonstop seem to have a symbiotic relationship.  Certain television station reporters flock to cover shootings within the United States and around the world.  Some have traveled to Paris, France, twice to cover the shootings there and to Canada to cover the one in Ottawa, Ontario.  They seem to be drawn to disasters like flies to manure.  And potential shooters love the media attention, the 24-hour coverage.  The media and the shooters seem to partner up well, each existing for the other, one for ratings, the other for notoriety.

On the other end of the spectrum, those who perform acts of kindness do not get much media coverage.  Fr. John Lee Tae-Seok was an example. [1], [2]

Perhaps Satan in its wily ways is always more interesting than the ways of God lived out by the Son of God.  People in today's world is being drawn closer and closer to Satan by the news media, the social media, the fashion media, the consumption media (food, alcohol, gambling, drugs, medication, pornography and sports, for example) and every other kind of secular media as a participant or as an observer or both.

The antidote to this vortex of energy that draws souls into Hell is prayer.  Every prayer is a redemption of sin.  Even though it is unlikely that enough prayers would be said in one's lifetime to redeem every sin committed, it is better to have said the prayers than not to have said any at all.  It is essential to note that every prayer that is prayed with concentration, sincerity, humility and abiding love is exponentially more effective than the mere recitation of prayers of the rosary.

[1] http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2011/02/25/the-21st-century-%E2%80%98saint%E2%80%99-you%E2%80%99ve-never-heard-of/
[2] http://lemomentdepaix.blogspot.hk/2015/08/gods-shepherd-fr-john-lee-tae-seok-aka.html