Friday, October 17, 2014

We Keep Our Lives -- You Keep Your Ebola And Your Dollars


Isla Cozumel is an island in the Caribbean Sea that welcomes cruise ships, tourists, snorkelers  and the money they spend, but authorities were willing to forgo the American dollar and denied a US cruise ship docking privilege in light of a quarantined passenger on board who could have been exposed to the Ebola virus [2]. 

Heaven on earth apparently does not welcome Hell on earth.  Who could blame the Cozumel authorities for turning their back on money?  There is no need for money in Heaven and Heaven on earth.  God has provided plenty for the people who live in Cozumel.  They may not be the wealthiest but who needs wealth in such a beautiful place where people are enjoying their health and their lives?

Belize also refused to let the quarantined passenger to disembark so that the passenger could be flown back to the United States. [3]

Cozumel and Belize are not the only earthly paradises.  There are many.  I hope they all remain pristine and uncontaminated.  If they have to shut out travelers to keep their people safe, they have my support.

[1] Photos from and 

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