Thursday, October 2, 2014

A Word On Climate Change

A little over a week ago, I posted photographs of Leonardo DiCaprio as the United Nations Messenger of Peace looking almost like Asian.  He is actually the UN Messenger of Peace on Climate Change [1].  I suppose this planet has sufficient evidence showing that it has become warmer and that its ice is melting, but whether these conditions are a result of man's carbon footprint or a part of a normal cycle for this planet is not the subject of this entry.

This entry assumes that changes in climate around the world are linked to carbon emissions.  In this regard, my wish for Leonardo DiCaprio as a UN speaker for climate change is to focus less on political solutions but more on personal responsibility.  In other words, he ought to talk more about the climate changer (every single person on this planet) and less about the solutions government and industries can come up with [2].  Specifically, he should show that one ought to use less energy [3], [4] and live more like Christ.

In addition, he ought to suggest that manufacturers of electronic gadgets that changes almost every season to label their products, showing a greenhouse gas factor used to produce it, hopefully to deter environmentalists (from ordinary folks to presidents and prime ministers) to stop clamoring for the next new cell phone, laptop, television, electronically-equipped vehicle, yacht, submarine, fighter jet, drone and so on.

This blogger must be dreaming, but that is the nature of a dreamer.  Hypocrisy is here to stay, and so is climate change, and the example that Christ had set for all is but a faded memory for most (if it is even on their minds), and a concept to admire and worship but not practiced for some.

In reality, sad is the truth and its ugliness simply denied.

[2] Ibid.
[4] (click on arrow to view all the photos)  Wealth, and people who enjoy yachting and living lavishly do not bother me in the least, hypocrisy does.

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