Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Sperm Bank Baby

A report by Lisa Ling on a sperm bank produced a few thoughts.  She was at the Fairfax Cryobank where apparently the best looking, the most athletic and the most intelligent male specimens were being collected in the form of spermatozoa.  Women who wish to be fertilized by the sperm of a model male can pay for the privilege. [1]

This is not what Mother Nature intended.  Actions that human beings take that are contrary to Mother Nature will lead to the destruction of civilization.  Suppose all children born are from a select group of exceptionally attractive, athletic and smart alpha males with DNA that predisposed them to be decision-makers and leaders, then who will follow?  Who will do the cooking and the cleaning at home?  Who will be the car attendants, the chefs and the servers?  Who will be the garbage collectors, the hairdressers, the seamstresses, the plumbers and the carpenters?

And what if the women who are being fertilized by these sperms are not saintly themselves, but are downright selfish, cunning, manipulative and ruthless, then would their offspring not possess some or all of those traits?  Would the world then not have too many very capable, attractive, bright men and women who would do evil deeds?

What if the men who ejaculate into a container have character flaws and are virtueless sinners themselves?  Would their offspring also have some or all of that unfortunate DNA?

Is it natural for a man to enter a small room with magazines and videos to self-stimulate to ejaculation and then aim his erect penis at a container to shoot his semen into?  The male specimen Lisa Ling interviewed insinuated that he did that twice a week.  Does anyone think that there maybe something abnormal with that man's thought process or desires?  Was he that desperate for money, assuming he gets paid well for his hand job?

Would Carlos Slim [2], [3] who is neither slim nor tall, exceptionally attractive nor athletic but incredibly wealthy qualify as a candidate at the Fairfax Cryobank?  Did his mother get fertilized by an unknown man's sperm at a sperm bank?  Would billionaire Slim walk into a room and ejaculate so that whichever offspring from his sperm can sue his eventual estate as a relative for not including him or her in his will?

Would a good Catholic priest ever condone an act of masturbation?  Would he himself ejaculate for a sperm bank?  Would the Catholic church not be better off to have exceptionally good-looking, smart and athletic priests who are celibate, loving and humble to attract all the sexually deprived wives and their homosexually latent husbands to church to listen to their sermons?

If Jesus were alive today, would He, a homeless, uneducated, indigent man who would rather suffer and die than fight for His beliefs, qualify to be a specimen at a sperm bank?  Would any woman want to be impregnated by His seed after reading His anonymous specifications?

Is a sperm bank baby necessarily going to be a more loving person and live a happier life than a baby naturally conceived?  Is there any guarantee that a sperm bank baby is going to deliver as expected?  Were Albert Einstein's children also geniuses?  Were any of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's children famous composers?  Were Steve Jobs' biological parents successful and wealthy?

I believe the answer to all the queries in the paragraph above is in the negative, which proves that there are no guarantees in life, whether the life comes from a sperm bank zygote or not.  One thing is certain:  God is still in charge [4], no matter how much control one thinks one has over one's life and the lives of one's children.

[1] This entry does not address the perversion of the family structure.
[4] The fact that God is in charge does not contradict man's Free Will.  Man can exercise his Free Will but the outcome of his will rests with God.

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