Friday, October 17, 2014

In The Face Of Ebola And Death

Ebola [1] is forcing people of the world to face their mortality.  Whether the fear is real or perceived, people are uneasy about the nature of Ebola, how it is transmitted and the possibility of it mutating into a spore [2] that suspends in the air ready to lodge in the lungs of every air-breathing mammal.

Although there are a handful of patients who seemingly may have been cured of Ebola, time will tell if they will relapse, caused by the awakening of an Ebola virus that had become dormant in their bodies during treatment, giving rise to a second generation Ebola that is even more virulent for having survived whatever medication that was used to eradicate its ancestors. 

I do not wish my speculation to add to any existing fear.  However, one must face reality and accept that new and deadly diseases will continue to plague the world.  While the medical community is working to prevent the spread of any deadly disease, new lethal germs continue to appear, putting pressure on pharmaceutical companies to develop more and more powerful drugs to combat them.  With HIV still a concern a concern and Ebola growing out of control, viruses seem to have the upper hand.

It is normal for people to be stressed out over the spread of Ebola, no matter who or where they are, how wealthy or impoverished, because everyone wants to cling to life.  Life, as this blog has continually emphasized, is precious to everyone who has it.  It is precious because it is a gift from God.  Sometimes people forget and they go to war because of economic, religious and ideological differences but mostly because of greed, power and the absence of humility.

What if Ebola has taken hold in the war and protest zones of the world?  What would fighters and community organizers on both sides be focused on first, their lives stricken by a debilitating illness or their self-serving causes?

When the human race faces mortality and a mountain of worries, the only way for man to find interior peace is to place his future the hands of God Who is his Creator and Savior.  When an individual faces mortality, it is important to reconcile oneself to God to find peace and gain eternal salvation.

[1] "There are five strains of the Ebola virus, each named after countries and regions in Africa: Zaire, Sudan, Tai Forest, Bundibugyo and Reston. The Zaire Ebola virus is the deadliest, with a mortality rate of 90 percent. It is the strain currently spreading through Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia, and beyond."  See

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