Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pure Evil And Pure Good

The goal of Pure Evil is to ruin everything that comes from Pure Good, including all the living things on this planet, the planet itself and the universe it is in.  Pure Evil wants to bring death and destruction to all of God's creations.

Satan which embodies all that is evil has been destroying mankind and all of its natural surroundings by infiltrating the thrones of power.  Each person sits in the throne of power.  Adam had his throne, Eve had hers [1].  They both had the power of free choice, and so did (and does) each and every one of their descendants.

Given Satan's extraordinary power of temptation, the choice of Adam and of Eve were warped, and so were (and are) the choices of all of their descendants in one way or another, warped.  In other words, every person who had/has ever made a choice had/has made a contribution to the destruction of creation, fulfilling Satan's goal.

[1] Thrones with tremendous power have wielded it with disastrous consequences.  A man-made catastrophe is never fully healed and forgotten; one merely builds on top of another because men of Sin do not forgive and forget.  Over time, they arm themselves with better and more deadly weapons while sacrificing the environment they and their descendants depend on for existence, not to mention the extinguishing of lives indiscriminately when they were (and are) being unleashed with shock and awe.  Indeed, it shocks Pure Good that man can be so evil and awes Pure Evil that man can be so cunning and barbaric, regardless of the degree of sophistication of the weapons that kill.

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