Sunday, October 12, 2014

An Invitation From Heaven

You receive a formal invitation from Heaven, assuming that you accept, would you prepare yourself in the same way as you would after being invited to a private dinner at the Buckingham Palace or the Kremlin, like getting your hair styled, buying new clothes and shoes, deciding what jewelry to wear, for example?

Each person prepares himself or herself differently before attending a momentous event.  Likewise, there is no fixed formula that prepares oneself for Heaven [1].  Each person sins in his or her own way and each person has a unique relationship with God.  Just as unique is how one expiates one's sins in preparation for Heaven.

The invitation to enter Heaven is an open one.  Whether and how to accept it is up to each person's own Free Will.

[1] The Catholic Church would disagree with that assertion for the Church maintains that there is a fixed formula that everyone could follow to enter Heaven.  That formula, although works, is impractical, which means that it does not really work.  To make it work, the Church has come up with the concept of confession.  Confession is a good thing for it reminds us of the need to constantly perfect ourselves in preparation for Heaven even though very few have perfected themselves through confession, prayer and penance, perhaps with the exception of San Francesco d'Assisi who received the stigmata.  Because sin is an addiction, and it is chronic, an individual has to rely on the forgiveness and love of God to enter Heaven.  No one enters Heaven without the Grace of God.  Each person receives the Grace of God at different times and in different doses, each according to his and her uniqueness.  In return, God expects love.  Whether and how much love is reciprocated is the individual's choice.

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