Friday, October 10, 2014

Africa - Satan's Earthly Cauldron?

Every human, regardless of skin color, is a creation of God but that does not mean than Satan will not interfere.  The majority of inhabitants in Africa happens to be black and it is in that continent that Satan has arguably established Its cauldron in which evil is manufactured.  The products that come out of Satan's cauldron warp God's creation in order to destroy it.  That is not to say that good does not ever come out of Africa, it does, but because of the concentration of Satan's power in that continent, the influence of evil overwhelms the good, and many things and people that have origins in Africa have not been good for the rest of the world.  Conversely, the fact that Satan may not have a strong presence in other continents does not mean that certain things and people that have originated from there are not evil, they are.

This entry, however, is limited to an examination of the effects upon the world that had origins in Africa:
1.  HIV - from the Congo [1], [2]
2.  Killer Bees - also known as Africanized honey bees [3], [4], [5]
3.  Ebola - originated in the Congo [6]
4.  Muhammad - Some have stated that the prophet Muhammad had a African mother and African ancestors [7]
5.  Can the reader think of any other virus, bacteria, insect, influential character and just plain folk (past and present) with African roots that has brought disaster to the rest of world?

While Asia has its share of deadly exports such as the Hong Kong flu, the avian flu and swine flu and so on, they are not quite as deadly as HIV or Ebola.  The Bubonic plague that hit Europe in the Middle Ages now has its origin established scientifically in Egypt and north Africa. [8]

These examples do not prove conclusively that Africa is the sole source of evil but they also do not exempt Africa from being a major contributor to the world's problems, notwithstanding the Virgin Mary's apparition in Kibeho, Rwanda [9].


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