Sunday, July 6, 2014

Three Questions

Paul Gauguin left France for Tahiti and painted "Where Do We Come From?  What Are We?  Where Are We Going?" [1]

I would like to live the life of Gauguin and have his talents [2], move to Tahiti and ask profound questions, but I am not Paul Gauguin, I do not have his talents or his courage to live life passionately.  Ergo, I am left to ask three self-centered questions:

1.  Why am I afraid to live the life I want?
2.  How am I enriched by my attachment to earthly possessions?
3.  What will I have to show for on Judgment Day?

I do not have a painting to entitle, but life is a canvas.  Hopefully, mine still has enough time left for it to be filled with meaning.

Do not abandon me, Lord.  May the Blessed Virgin Mary continue to intercede on my behalf so that I may walk along Your Lighted Path.  Should I stray from it, forgive me, hold my hand and guide me, so that I would continue to grow in Your image, Lord, and in Your image, Mother Mary.  Amen.

[2] Although I would like to live Paul Gauguin's life, I do not wish to live it in its entirety, just the artistic part, and the part when he was in Tahiti for I love to be able to paint and I love Tahiti.  In truth, my true love has always been reserved for Vincent Van Gogh.  Somehow I have a natural attachment to his soul and his art, but I dare not live his life: he had a cross heavier than I could carry.  Van Gogh's Pietà (after Eugène Delacroix's Pietà) is my favorite painting.  Zoom in and take a close look at the facial expression of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the crucified Jesus.  For someone who does not watch many movies, Vincent &Theo is one I like a lot.

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