Saturday, July 26, 2014

Man's Music And God's Love

Music and love both have languages that people from all walks of life from every culture in every corner world understand.  Unlike God's love, man's music is vulnerable to the influences of Satan.  The songs that seduce the senses and excites man's carnal desires and those that incite hate and violence draw inspiration from the Enemy, but music that creates a moment of peace divorced from the cares of this world are divinely inspired. [1], [2]

God has given to man music to celebrate man's creation in a wholesome way but Satan has continuously debased man's wholesomeness with inspirations for lewd and repulsive music videos under the pretense of good music that taint what can be angelically beautiful and turn it into demonic vulgarity, reducing what was originally a gift by God --the wholesomeness of life in the flesh--into un-recycleable trash, Satan's true image of man.

God has also given to man unconditional Love that Satan cannot alter because man does not own God's Love like he owns musical notes.  The love between man and God is a partnership and a contract.  Unconditional love is an offer God continuously  has in front of man for him to accept.

In order to accept this offer, man has to obey God and live by God's ways.  If and when man accepts the offer and fulfills its conditions, the bond of love between man and God is established, and becomes inviolate.

No one, other than the Son of God, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, has been able to accept this contract without breaching any of its conditions, not even Francis of Assisi, not until God transformed him into a true saint. [3]

Since man is not capable of accepting God's offer because of Sin, Satan is able to have man bring upon his own demise.  That does not mean, however, that God has taken away the offer of unconditional love, nor does it mean that God no longer loves man unconditionally; it only means that man will continuously be seeking to fulfill his desires, however wicked, until he has truly, fully and forever rejected Satan.

When is the rejection of Satan going to take place?  Has it even started?  The answer maybe in the songs and the videos.

[1] It is not the label that gives music its heavenly quality for some religious chants are down right disturbing, even Satanic.
[2] Even music that is divinely inspired can sound like hell when rendered by someone with an evil intent or disposition.  Divinely inspired music can sound heavenly when performed by someone with a kind heart who is giving it and the performance to God with love.
[3] There are other saints handpicked by God, but I do not know enough about them or their natural sinful nature prior to God's intervention to mention them.

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