Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Opus Satanas

Violence has returned to eastern Ukraine after the 10-day cease-fire that expired on Tuesday [1].  The killing of brother by brother is the signature work of Satan ("Opus Satanas").  Satan wants nothing more than for man to ultimately destroy himself: man, God's beloved creation and the cause of Lucifer's ire that landed him in Hell where Lucifer was transformed into Satan.  Whoever lit the fuse that started the separatists' movement are Satan's surrogates.

Lucifer who clearly and correctly identified man's inferiority relative to his angelic intellect and beauty wanted to right God's "wrong" for having created man.  Powerful men and women who are minions of Satan also want to make "right" the things they deem to be "wrong."  They are of the same mind as Satan but do not share the same goal as Satan.  Satan wants to destroy man by using man to destroy himself; man wants to destroy one another to crown himself king.

Power is the drug of Satan to which man is addicted.  The effect of this addiction is the denial that the world does not belong to man, that man can never dominate and own the world and that man's tenancy on earth will end by man destroying his own tenement and himself.

Opus Satanas is a work-in-progress, an unfinished symphony being composed by Satan and etched in the mind of man with fires from Hell that boil man's passion, heightening his desire for superiority to control what little that can be controlled and everything else that cannot.  Opus Satanas will be a masterpiece.  Like some symphonic masterpieces of the classical genre, Opus Satanas will end with a bang except that the next sound will be the absence of sounds because no one will be left to cough, yell "bravo" and applause.

One can only hope that it will not come to this silent end, that man with all his shortcomings will find enough humility to shake off his addiction to power and give up his entire being to God so that he can be made whole.  Upon seeing man's wholeness that is the work of God, or Opus Dei, Satan would lose Its grip on man and would be left with nothing but defeat and dejection while Its Opus Satanas disintegrates and falls flat.  On that day, peace will prevail in Ukraine, the Mideast and everywhere else on earth.


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