Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Serving God Without An Education

I can understand when a person is "called" to serve God but do not see why an education is necessary.  Is simplicity not enough?  Those who have seen apparitions have not been highly educated, like Juan Diego [1] and Bernardette Soubirous [2], whereas one as educated as Thomas Aquinas had never been privileged to see any and believed that "angels appeared only in the imagination of the human mind perceiving them." [3]  So Aquinas is either one who is brilliant or an idiot, or simply a brilliant idiot.

[1] http://www.sancta.org/juandiego.html
[2] http://www.marypages.com/bernadetteEng.htm
[3] http://taylormarshall.com/2013/04/can-humans-see-bodiless-angels-answer.html

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