Sunday, July 27, 2014

In Perspective: Stress

Worry and stress -- the story of my life, but the story is being edited I am trying to learn to live anew, with a new perspective, but it will not be easy.

It never is easy to abandon one's modus operandi and to re-prioritize one's value system, to, in essence, surrender what one believes to be in his control completely to God.  Believing that God will take care of us requires faith and patience, but we do not let that happen often enough, shouldering instead all the worries that burdens the mind and stresses out the body until the mind is exhausted and the body becomes sick.  Only then are we forced to stop and let things be, lest we trade our health and our very lives for those things that in comparison seem relatively insignificant or unimportant, for we can do little when we are sick and nothing when we are dead.

Death, the certainty of Sin, the absolute Truth of life, is the equalizer of all things unjust and unequal.  Living every day with the great equalizer that is Death, we ought to ask: What do we really want to be first in our lives?  What we own?  How perfect something is or is not?  How others see us or how we see our true selves?  How we have been treated or how we treat others?  How we have blamed or how we have forgiven?  How we have loved ourselves or how we have loved others and God?

When death is at hand, we have no choice but to leave behind our family and the people around us, the possessions that no longer have meaning or value, and leave in God's hands who we are, without pretenses and denials, and what we will become in eternity.

Therefore, it is less stressful to maintain the perspective that not everything can be under our control at all times, that we need only to try our best, rest, and God will take care of the rest. [1]  I put in italics the word rest because it is important to rest the mind and the body, to exercise, to get plenty of sleep, to be fully hydrated (with water) and to have a balanced diet (without overeating).  Following this formula will keep one looking young.  Conversely, stress ages, and ages one quickly.  So stop stressing out and starting looking awesome!

[1] The first time I learned this was from Fr. Eugene Lauer, O.S.B., when I was in high school.  He said, when I told him I was worried, "Try your best, and God will take care of the rest."  I want his words to ring from Heaven, where he is now, in my ears every moment of every day, from now on.  Pray for me, Fr. Eugene.  Also, I would like to add that I have never been a good writer.  I was a terrible writer when I told Fr. Eugene that I loved to write.  He said that in order to write well, I have to write every day.  I do not write every day, but Fr. Eugene would be happy to know that even though my writing still has much room for improvement, it is much better now than before.  Thank you, Fr. Eugene, for your patience in teaching me, your encouragement and your love.

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