Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Research In Antarctica

I am not adverse to scientific research but do not see the point of having research stations set up by a number of countries in Antarctica.  Is it for the love of research that people are sent there or are they there because the countries to which they belong, like inner city gangs, desire to establish their respective turfs in the region?  If the purpose is the latter, I understand completely.  However, if the purpose is the former, I do not.  What possibly can be learned in the icy continent that could be advantageous to human existence besides the fidelity of mated penguins? Why must man go to the ends of the earth to meddle in the works of Mother Nature?  Why can man not leave good alone? [1]

I suppose that the desire to know and control plays a part.  Does that not sound like Adam and Eve's original desire to be like God?  Man, descendant of Sin, therefore cannot leave good alone.  He does not know where to stop, but he will know when.  That moment arrives when the cumulative effects of his actions are so adverse to him that he can no longer maintain his existence without having to struggle for it.  Each struggle to reduce a moment's pain would have to be purchased by a sooner death.  In other words, he would have to drink poison that kills him just to live a normal moment.

That day will come.  It is not biblical fantasy.  It is the start of Hell on earth.  Love God dearly so as not to have to live to see it.

[1] Not only are these so-called scientists stationed in the South Pole not doing anything worthwhile, they are damaging Antarctica.  "Across Antarctica, wastewater from dozens of research bases, housing up to 5,000 people at a time, mostly scientists, is releasing nasty chemicals into the environment—and into penguins and other wildlife.

"The most recent culprit: a toxic flame retardant called Hexabromocyclododecane, or HBCD. 

"It’s commonly used in insulation, building materials, thermoplastics, and research equipment, including computers."  See

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