Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Behind The Glass

I have been thinking about my entry last Thursday: Life is about becoming invisible yourself and transparent like a piece of glass so others see a bit of Christ through you. [1]  Today, I would like to expand on it.  Since Christ is the Light, the Light that illuminates the path to God, then those who are able see a glimpse of Light behind your piece of glass will not only be shown the path lit by Christ, the Light will also illuminate their spirits, if only momentarily. [2]

[1] http://lemomentdepaix.blogspot.com/2013/08/no-need-to-write-book-on-life.html
[2] If one's existence becomes that piece of glass through which the Light of Christ can be seen, it draws attention, whether wanted or unwanted.  Sometimes those who are drawn to the illumination of Christ are like the black holes in the universe, they crave light and swallow it into their bottomless pit of blackness where it does not escape.  Stay away from these dark creatures for they have sold their souls to the Devil.  They, like Satan, want to devour the Light of Christ but they cannot but that does not mean they would not try and try again, ceaselessly.  Draw a line and be firm so that God's inner peace can exist without being disturbed by these shameless and virtually soulless entities (they are shades in my earlier posts).  Other times there are those who see the Light and are frightened.  You can detect the depth of their fear, the fear of God, even as they try not to reveal it on their faces.  Deep in the souls of these pitiful people, they are in denial of the Truth.  These people need to be saved by prayers.  Then there are those who are oblivious of the Light but have not yet sold their souls.  Because they do not see the Light, they also cannot hear the Truth.  Let them be, for they know their Free Will and by the grace of God, they would one day choose to see and hear.

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