Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wars Of Pride

Humility never leads to war.  Pride does [1], [2].  Pride also led to Lucifer's fall from heaven.  Lucifer is the crown prince of pride, now residing as Satan in Hell.  Accordingly, all wars are conceived by Satan and executed by its minions.  Satan wants to rule the whole world but it has to amass power, and it has, by transforming those in the seat of power with a myriad of temptations, of which the temptation of pride is the most powerful.   The only way to stop Satan is by praying, by supplicating.  There is no other.

[1] Avarice is the bride of pride and insatiability is her constitution.  Avarice will lead to war.  The Iraq war in my opinion is an example of a war out of avarice for oil and personal wealth.
[2] The insatiability for power and control is also the spouse of pride.  This defect is especially prominent in those who rise to position of influence who may have had come from broken families, poverty and/or a cultural or racial underclass that had been the subject of discrimination.

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