Monday, September 16, 2013

Christ's Love

Christ loves us all equally and completely with undiminished intensity  [1] even though He loves each of us differently.  For example, Christ loves Peter and gave him the Mother Church [2], and Christ also loves John but gave him His mother. [3]  It is not for us to judge, or be jealous of, the way Christ loves another one of us. [4]  Be content to know that we are loved, and to the best of our abilities, love God in return. [5]

[1] That remains true until we reject God in favor of Satan.
[2] Matthew 16:18
[3] John 19:26-27
[4] John 21:20-23.
[5] This applies in a family situation as well where a parent loves each child differently.  It is incumbent upon each child to return the love without weighing on a scale how much love was received relative to his/her siblings.

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