Saturday, September 21, 2013

God And Natural Disasters

Question #1:  "Where is God when natural disasters strike?"
Question #2:  "Why does God allow natural disasters to happen?"

Questions similar to these have been asked and none of the answers that I have heard was satisfactory.  Perhaps there is no good answer.  Certainly I do not have any, but I have questions, and I will ask them, even though they may sound offensive to many because I am rude for replying to question with a question and because some of my questions may go too far into one's conscience and may make people feel uneasy..

To those asking question #1, I ask:

Is it possible that God is where God was placed at the last wild party, while on vacation, when hurting the ones who love you, when betraying the Truth, or during all those calm days and years before the earthquakes, the sunamis, the volcanic eruptions, the tornadoes, the heavy rains, the floods and/or landslides, at that forgotten place called  NOWHERE, or OBLIVION, or maybe INDIFFERENCE?

Is it possible that it does not matter even if God is sitting at our dinner table asking us to do the same things Christ in the Gospels and the Blessed Virgin Mary during her many apparitions have asked us to do in order to avoid such calamities, because those requests would go in one ear and out the other after God leaves, and on the very next day, we would go back to the status quo, doing the same things we are used to doing, that we had done just yesterday, and the years before?  Would we even believe that disaster will come upon us when we feel so secure in our own environment?  Have we believed in the words in the Book of Revelations?  Do we even believe that things might change for the worse if we do not pray? [1]  Do we believe in evil, in Satan and its works? [2]  Do we truly believe in God, and are we truly kind, forgiving and loving in the way we want God us to be, I mean TRULY?  And if we are true followers of God, and pray with sincerity and humility and love, would we even suffer the consequences of a natural disaster in a big way? [3]

To those asking question #2, I ask:

Whose earth is it anyway?  Is it ours to claim?  Has it not been ours to abuse and destroy, disrespecting the natural order of Mother Nature?  Do we deny that earthquakes, sunamis, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, heavy rains, floods and landslides occur since we live in the very areas, build dwellings and amass possessions that are exposed to such known risks, however infrequent they occur or recur?  Why do we blame God for all that we have done to this planet?  Why do we blame God for our collective sins?  Are we perfect like God so that God is obligated to save us because we are sinless and identical to God in every way?  Do we find God to be imperfect and unfair because natural phenomenons occur, when they have been part of the natural course of events before we existed?  How can we expect to live in harmony with Mother Nature when we are so selfish, claiming Mother Nature to be ours to uproot, to carve out, to abuse and manipulate in every possible way using every possible means, invented and yet to be invented, to destroy it?  Is it not a natural law for all things to return to an equilibrium?  Does Mother Nature not have a right, under God Who created her, to assert her right to be beautiful and pristine again?  Did God give us humans the unfettered right to make Mother Nature our slave mother, to submit to our every whim, however self-centered?  Did God not give us the answer to the previous question by giving force and power to Mother Nature?

Can we honestly claim that we are victims of natural disasters or are we victims of our own Free Will making the wrong choices?  And why do we call merely natural phenomenons natural disasters?  Does placing ourselves deliberately in the path of natural phenomenons turn them into natural disasters?  Can we do no wrong?  Has our pride blinded us to the fact that perhaps we are the disasters? [4]

To those going to ask a combination of question #1 and #2, I have an answer:

On the one hand, I assert that we have abused Mother Nature and that she has the right and the power to reclaim what belongs to her while on the other hand, I assert that God will protect us against the wrath of Mother Nature if we prayed with sincerity, humility and love.  Does that mean that praying in such a manner would give us the right to abuse Mother Nature because we would be protected?  No.  Praying in such a manner does not mean we would be protected fully; it just means that by the grace and love of God, we are forgiven of our past selfishness and given another chance at life, however inconvenient or difficult it might be compared to what life was like before.  Therefore, we ought to wake up, to ask God always to lead us onto the right path and redirect us back to it whenever we stray, so that by praying daily with sincerity, humility and love and by our continuous and sincere efforts in following Christ, we could be saved by the mercy and love of God, in the flesh during this lifetime and in the spirit for an eternity afterwards.

[1] Think carefully, and deeply.  Things have already changed in the world for the worse because so many have not believed or  prayed.
[2] First arm yourself with the Truth of God in your heart, then look around, look into the eyes and conscience of those around you, especially the liars and hypocrites, and you will see.
[3] What about those who for the sake of God are/were persecuted and martyred?  Persecutions are not natural disasters.  Nonetheless, I am convinced that those persecuted and martyred have a special and close relationship with God and have been given God's peace while in life as their flesh suffered.
[4] On Judgment Day, when we face the Truth, there is nobody to blame but ourselves.  Better own up to our own mistakes now and take responsibility for our own choices and pray for forgiveness before it is too late.  There is no benefit in being bitter and blaming God for the ills and pains in our lives unless one wants to please Satan and aspires to spending an eternity in Hell.

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