Thursday, September 5, 2013

"The World Over" On EWTN

Raymond Arroyo said on the program "The World Over" that aired on September 5, 2013, that "we [the United States] are destroying the cradle of Christianity all over the Middle East," following a video of foes of the Assad forces targeting a Christian community which made him recall his many discussions on this very topic he had on his program during and after the war in Iraq.

It is my belief that Satan is behind all of this misery by making those in power its puppets on earth.  Accordingly, I predict that the United States will attack Syria [1] although I continue to pray that it will not, that the president will be granted the fortitude of Christ to say: "Away from me, Satan!" [2], [3]

[1]  If not this administration, then a subsequent one, unless the nation returns to one under God and the government runs the country consistent with the teachings of Christ without hypocrisy.
[2], line 10.
[3] Obama is not quite Satan.  But see  Satan is far, far more beguiling.  There is still hope for him to defeat Satan.  He must not miss the chance to save his soul by choosing peace.  Because Satan is so powerful, no one can escape its temptations without supplication, without praying the rosary. 

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