Thursday, August 29, 2013

No Need To Write A Book On Life

At one point I thought it would be useful to write a book on living life but today I realize that people far more talented and resourceful have already done it.  I am glad I had not attempted it, not only because I would have failed at it, but also because it would have been an exercise in futility since everyone will live his/her life in the way he/she sees fit because of Free Will and not because someone uttered some words, whether such words are from earthly sages or Christ Himself.

Having said that, I now contradict myself and say this (in futility):  Life is about becoming invisible yourself and transparent like a piece of glass so others see a bit of Christ through you. [1]

[1] These words were inspired by Sainte Jean-Marie Baptiste Vianney [2] who said:
 "If we had faith, we would see God hidden in the priest like a light behind glass, like wine mixed with water."  See
[2] Pronunciation by  spl0uf at

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